
expatriate vt.1.把…逐出國外。2.〔expatriate on...


Information on a large range of aspects of living in german mainly for expatriates from english - speaking countries -德國漢堡中國學生學者聯合會的官方網站,團結及服務幫助華人

Inside this ‘ jungle like plantation lives a german expatriate and raises fish with his thai family 在這里生活,就猶如德國人移居國外和他的泰國家人在叢林里靠養魚為生。

The chinese expatriates in indonesia were miserable at the time . i cried when i heard their tragic stories 好,那個時候中國人真的很可憐,我過去那邊聽他們講會掉眼淚。

Letter of 12 december 1986 from the association of expatriate civil servants to the chairman of the committee 香港外籍公務員協會一九八六年十二月十二日致諮委會主席書

Sunhome real estate focuses on providing professional residential relocation service to the expatriate community 中濤房產致力于為外籍人士提供專業的居住安家服務。

Letter of 1 december 1986 from the association of expatriate civil servants to the chairman of the committee 香港外籍公務員協會一九八六年十二月一日致諮委會主席書

The time when the term “ expatriate ” almost always referred to a european or north american has long past 海外工作者成為歐洲或北美人代名詞的時代永久的過去了。

Specializes in language training , cultural education , business consultation for expatriates in shanghai -含上海德育,教育新聞,浦東學校,教育資源,思政研究。

International schools are also sensitive to the needs of overseas investors and expatriate families 這些國際學校也能靈活配合海外投資者和外籍人士家庭的需要。

The expatriate community contributes greatly to our economy and to our unique culture 香港的外國居民不但對我們的經濟發展貢獻良多,也使我們的文化更有特色。

Expatriates are often visited by friends and family who then also wish to take a tour 外派人員也經常有朋友或家人造訪或探親,這也是他們攜人出游的原因之一。

Expatriates were rounded up to spend dreary years in internment , or to face a sudden or slow death 外藉警務人員全被送到集中營囚禁,在營中渡過漫長歲月。

Asian intelligence survey , quality of life for expatriate families , march 21 , 2001 二零零一年三月二十一日《亞洲消息》有關外籍家庭生活質素的調查結果。

The personal page of a chinese expatriate and artist in hong kong with stories of daily life -一位香港女同志的網頁,提供日志女同志故事散文分享等。

Asian intelligence survey , quality of life for expatriate families , march 21 , 2001 二零零一年三月二十一日亞洲消息有關外籍家庭生活質素的調查結果。

At the same time , there has been a steady increase in the number of expatriates calling hong kong home 截至二零零一年年底,在香港居住的外籍人士逾

The effect of match or mismatch between individual and organization expectations on expatriate performance 外派人員與組織的期望匹配模式對績效的影響

Application of work visa , work permit and house lease for expatriate staff 負責為外籍員工及其家屬申請工作簽證,工作證和房屋租賃合同的簽訂與保管。

At the same time , there has been a steady increase in the number of expatriates calling hong kong home 與此同時,以香港為家的外籍人士逐年增加。