
expansionary adj.引向膨脹的;擴大性的;擴張性的。


Economists call it “ asymmetric effect of monetary policy ” . when we compared the effect of contractionary and expansionary monetary policy , we can found that when monetary policy was tight in 1993 and 1994 , the economy slowed down quickly . yet when monetary policy was easy in 1998 , the economy did not response accordingly 但如果定量的來對比兩種貨幣政策的實際效果,那么緊縮性和擴張性貨幣政策對經濟活動卻具有不同程度的影響,具體表現為經濟衰退階段的擴張性貨幣政策對經濟的刺激作用小于經濟過熱階段緊縮性貨幣政策對經濟的減速作用,經濟學家將這種現象稱為“貨幣政策的非對稱效應” 。

Section 3 . 3 demonstrates in theory that , after 1998 , under the situation of expected deflation , when the enterprise ' s expected return of practical investment is lower compared with the return of security investment , the credit transmission mechanism of expansionary monetary policy will not be effective 4 . 7節對銀行資產結構、私人部門的融資結構、投資的利率彈性、國債發行的擠出效應進行實證分析,闡述擴張性貨幣政策信用傳導機制弱化的原因。 4 . 8節分析了疏通信用傳導機制的政策措施。

The paper falls into four sections : the first section analyses the actuality . first of all , the paper reviews the history of china ’ s utilization of foreign capital for five parts , including take - off phase , sustainable development phase , high speed development phase , debugging phase and restore expansionary phase . and then analyses the variances in mode , scale , industry and distribution of china ’ s utilization of 通過對金融全球化背景及國際資本流動趨勢進行分析,運用國際直接投資理論、國際金融學及現代管理知識,采用定量分析與定性分析相結合的方法,針對中國利用外商直接投資存在的主要問題,從利用外資所處發展階段出發,討論了利用外商直接投資的質量、規模、結構、方式和外資政策,提出了一系列現實可行的對策和建議。

Much of recent literature on emerging markets crisis highlights the limited financial development of these economies and the severe credit squeeze experienced by local firms during crises . from this structure , two opposing arguments are commonly made regarding optimal monetary policy . extrapolating from developed economy credit channel analysis , some advocate an expansionary monetary policy to offset the effect of the credit squeeze during downturns 本文通過引入caballero和krishnamurthy2004年發展起來的“信用渠道和保險動機模型”來分析貨幣危機中貨幣政策抵補外部資本緊縮的機制,從而回答上述問題,并對新興市場國家采取正確的貨幣政策防范貨幣危機提出政策建議,最后總結治理貨幣危機的經驗。

All the expansionary monetary policies are introduced , intending to stimulate domestic demand and offset the negative affect of international economic recession for keeping a relative higher econo mic growth . however , the expansionary policies did not succeed as originally expected . neither investment nor consumer showed a clear rising trend 但是,擴張性的貨幣政策實施的效果并沒有達到預期的效果,無論是投資還是消費總體上都沒有出現明顯的回升,銀行出現了普遍的“惜貸”現象,除了政府為了拉動經濟增長進行積極的投資之外,民間投資和消費的增長速度很慢。

Those in favour of a “ temporary “ abandonment of fiscal prudence believe that expansionary fiscal policy automatically creates sustained economic growth , that a slowdown is mainly caused by weak demand , that fiscal expansion is self - financing because faster growth generates more revenue , and that fiscal actions are easily reversible 支持“臨時”放棄財政審慎政策的人士相信:擴張性財政政策會自動形成可持續性經濟增長,經濟放緩主要是`因需求疲軟所致,財政擴張能產生自給性融資的效果,因為高增長會產生高收益,而財政行為很容易變回去。

With that and based on oan ( optical access network ) , this paper discusses a design of the communication linking between cam and its outstations “ devices . the author then gives a analysis of the real - time performance , expansionary capability and reliability of the de . sign . secondly , the author analyzes the software system “ s designing idea and modules assignment in the sccs 論文從高速公路交通監控系統的結構和其任務特點的分析入手,討論了基于oan (光接入網絡)的通信管理模塊與外場設備通信連接設計,并分析了該設計的實時性、可擴充性和可靠性;其次,分析了監控中心系統中軟件系統的設計思想和模塊劃分,介紹了該軟件系統工作機制和特點。

This text in deep to holds the eighth basic education curriculum reform put forward curriculum goal which knowledge and technical ability , course and method , emotion attitude of the trinity of values , new curriculum idea which evaluation can promote all students to develop , the curriculum evaluation view of expansionary students “ evaluation 本文深入把握第八次基礎教育課程改革提出的知識與技能、過程與方法、情感態度與價值觀三位一體的課程目標,促進所有學生全面發展的課程理念,發展性學生評價的課程評價觀。

During boom periods , banks intend to expand their lending activity , thereby contributing to a possible overheating of the economy ; during recessions , even the most expansionary monetary policy may not encourage banks to lend to obligors that are perceived to be poor credit risks 然后我們把每個pd定義為違約率的預期值,其分布是擴張期和衰退期的混合分布。本文的主要結論是上市公司的違約概率的確具有周期性的特點,因此在經濟周期條件下計算違約概率更符合實際情況。

Evidence from research shows that the effects of contractionary and expansionary monetary policy differ from each other significantly when coping with the overheated and recessionary economy , contractionary monetary policy slow the economy more than the expansionary monetary policy accelerate the economy 一、論文的主要內容及觀點在貨幣政策非中性的前提下,理論上緊縮性的貨幣政策具有抑制經濟過熱的作用,擴張性的貨幣政策具有刺激經濟增長的作用。

China ' s starting expansionary fiscal policy , which involves issuing a large number of national bonds , constructing infrastructures , reforming enterprises “ key techniques and exploiting the western region , has gained unprecedented achievements , including economic and social effects 我國啟動積極財政政策,大規模發行國債,進行基礎建設投資、企業重點技術改造投資、西部大開發投資,取得了令人矚目的成果,經濟和社會效益顯著。

There is a strong empirical correlation between economic growth in latin america and flows of capital to the region . capital inflows can provide a strongly expansionary impulse to the domestic economy , and sharp reductions in the rate of inflow can be strongly contractionary 作為國際資本流動的一個重要組成部分,拉美國家的資本流入不僅取決于其國內儲蓄與投資的平衡狀況及進出口的增長,也取決于國際資本流動的規模和方式。

The spatial expansion of urban fringe of xi ' an city is divided into 5 phases . according to each phase , expansionary modes and force are analysed . according to the divided phases , the paper analyses the elements of land use in each phase 根據20世紀初期至今西安城市建設發展的過程,本文進一步將西安城市邊緣區的空間擴展劃分為五個階段,針對每一個階段分析了其擴展模式,并作了驅動力分析。

Of the former states of the soviet bloc , only a few , notably poland and hungary , managed to grow , which they did by ignoring imf advice and adopting expansionary plans , including spending more than they collected in taxes 在前蘇聯集團中,只有少數國家有所成長,特別是波蘭和匈牙利,它們就是不理會imf的建議,反而采行擴張計畫,包括支出超過稅收的政策,才有此成就。

There are some unavoidable disadvantages in the use of fiscal policy and meanwhile , china has used expansionary fiscal policy continuously in the past 3 years . the space left in using fiscal policy solely to intensify policy support is limited 而單一財政調控存在的固有弊端,以及我國連續三年大手筆的財政擴張決定了未來單獨依賴財政強化政策支持的空間有限。

The multiplier effect , as economists call it , is low in view of the high import leakage , so that an expansionary fiscal policy would be less effective here than in less externally oriented economies 用經濟學者的術語,便是乘數效應即公營或私人消費增加對經濟所產生的刺激作用偏低,因此與非外向型的經濟體系比較,香港推行擴張性財政政策的成效會較低。

Brain foote distinguishes it with prototype phase , expansionary phase , and consolidation phase [ 12 ] these three phases are also go with the process of software envolution and the enhance of reuse degree Brainfoote將其分為原型階段、擴展階段和鞏固階段三個階段。這三個階段也就是軟件不斷演化( evolution )和復用( reuse )程度不斷提高的過程。

We think that transition ought to start from expansionary fiscal policy to neutral fiscal policy , after brief review to some macro - economic policy which had important influence on the curves 在簡要回顧對曲線走勢有重要影響的宏觀經濟政策之后,提出當前應當逐漸由擴張性財政政策向中性的財政政策轉變。

Members noted that the budget implied a continued expansionary stance in fiscal policy for the financial year 2003 - 04 , with the fiscal impulse estimated to raise real gdp growth by 0 . 7 of a percentage point 財政年度繼續實施擴張性財政政策,并預計有關政策會令實質本地生產總值增長提高0 . 7百分點。