
expanse n.1.遼闊,廣袤,太空,穹蒼。2.膨脹,擴張,展開。短...


I fly over african villages and vast expanses of snow without feeling heat or cold 我飛越在非洲的村莊和廣闊的雪原之上,感覺不到一點熱或冷。

God called the expanse “ sky . “ and there was evening , and there was morning - the second day 8上帝稱空氣為“天” 。有晚上,有早晨,是第二曰。

Takes a broad view looks , discovered actually spans in the front is the vast expanse of water 放眼望去,卻發現橫亙在面前的是一片汪洋。

God called the expanse ' sky . ' and there was evening , and there was morning - the second day 神稱空氣為“天” 。有晚上,有早晨,是第二日。

And god said , “ let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water . 6上帝說: “諸水之間要有空氣,將水分為上下。 ”

Vast expanses of marsh that used to abound with reeds have been converted into arable land 曾經是蘆葦叢生的大片沼澤地已經變成了耕地。

It offers a magnificent view of downtown phuket and the vast expanse of the sea :位于布吉鎮的西北方,在此可遠眺布吉鎮和遼闊的海景。

A pink expanse of transmission space - a survey and analysis of transmission content of female websites 女性網站傳播內容的調查與分析

God called the expanse heaven . and there was evening and there was morning , a second day 8神稱空氣為天有晚上、有早晨、是第二日。

Have you comprehended the full expanse of the earth ? declare it , if you know it all 18地的廣闊,你能明了么?你若全知道,只管說罷。

Lakes appeared and then dried out , leaving a flat expanse of salty residue 湖泊出現,又干涸,留下由富含鹽份殘留物形成的平坦區域。

Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth ? tell me , if you know all this 18地的廣大你能明透么。你若全知道,只管說吧。

“ have you understood the expanse of the earth ? tell me , if you know all this 伯38 : 18地的廣大、你能明透麼你若全知道、只管說罷。

An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon 一望無際的云幕蒙住了從天頂到地乎線的整個夜空。

And god said , “ let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water . 6神說、諸水之間要有空氣、將水分為上下。

At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light 到了晚上,這里到處都是漆黑一片,只有零星的幾點燈光。

At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light 到了夜晚,除了零星幾點光亮以外,那里幾乎一偏漆黑。

But against the vast expanse of the sky , the chute looked very small 但和廣闊無垠的太空相比,降落傘看起來是滄海一粟。

Vast expanses of untamed wilderness punish intruders with feral brutality 廣闊無邊的無羈荒野用野性的殘忍懲罰入侵者。