
exotica n.〔pl.〕 舶來品;古董,珍品;奇風異俗。


To avoid spoiling the successful predictions of quantum theory and general relativity , the exotica contained in the full theory would remain hidden from experiment except in the extraordinary circumstances where both quantum theory and general relativity are expected to have large effects 但為了避免違背量子理論與廣義相對論的成功預言,整體理論中所包含的外來添加物,在一般實驗的環境下必須隱而不顯,除非是在量子理論和廣義相對論都可望有很大效應的特別環境之下,才會現身。

But his light touch and abundant common sense make his efforts to navigate parallel universes and the other exotica that are the stock in trade of this genre a refreshing novelty ? at least for some of the time 然而,他對深奧理論的淺嘗輒止以及他豐富的生活常識使得他的作品在兩類讀者群中(譯注:理論讀者群和通俗讀者群)得以流傳,也為這類作品所常用寫作手法帶來一些新意?至少在某些時候是這樣。

Up until recently , those seeking the exotica of the universe ? dark matter as well as dark energy ? focused on the very largest scales ( galaxy clusters and up ) and on comparatively small ones ( a single galaxy ) 直到不久之前,這些尋找宇宙怪物(暗物質和暗能量)的任務,若不是針對星系團以上的大尺度,便是集中在單一星系這樣相對小得多的尺度上。

Ahead of valentine ' s day . the idom ' s exotica , chocotasy and loveberry brands come with cd compilations of acid jazz and dance 安全套包括奇妙異趣夢幻巧克力和果之戀三大系列產品,配套的cd以休閑音樂酸爵士和舞曲為主。

Many films were filmed on location in singapore and malaysia in order to increase the exotica quotient . romance in singapore xingzhou yanji 東南亞是香港影業的主要出口市場,東南亞資金更進而把香港影業推至跨國制作。

The idom ' s exotica , chocotasy and loveberry brands come with cd compilations of chillout , acid jazz and dance music 安全套包括奇妙異趣夢幻巧克力和果之戀三大系列產品,配套的cd以休閑音樂酸爵士和舞曲為主。

The idom ' s exotica , chocotasy and loveberry brands come with cd compilations of acid jazz and dance music 安全套包括奇妙異趣夢幻巧克力和果之戀三大系列產品,配套的cd以休閑音樂酸爵士和舞曲為主。