
exorbitant adj.過高的,過度的,過分的。adv.-ly


Article 10 : as for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits , any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it 價格監督檢查機構受理投訴或者收到舉報后,應當及時調查核實情況,依照本規定予以處理,并根據情況對舉報者給予獎勵。

Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding ; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques ; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste 除非政府大幅度地增加投資;農民接受高級的農業技術;消費者共同努力減少不必要的過度的浪費,農業現代化就不能實現。

Ul can help you reduce the exorbitant costs of bringing europe an auditors in from overseas as well as speed your time to market by offering direct european certification and ce marking services Ul可幫助你減少不必要的成本,譬如需從海外請來審核員以獲得進入歐洲市場的標志,而且更可以加快您公司產品的行銷速度,譬如直接提供歐洲認證服務和ce標志服務

Article 10 as for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits , any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it 第十條對生產經營者牟取暴利的行為,任何單位和個人都有權向價格監督檢查機構投訴或者舉報。

However , our government is taking the stock market as a tool to solve the difficulties of the state - owned enterprises and sometimes even purposely helping them raking in exorbitant profits 我們的股市可以講不僅是為國企服務,而且是為其在股市上獲取暴利。不合格的企業得以上市,而且這個過程是在政府的默許甚至協助下實現的。

Pedagogic children result is bad that the reason has 2 : it is because of the job oversight the education to him child ; 2 it is exorbitant to oneself child requirement , cause go against turn over psychology 教師子弟成績不好原因有二:一是因工作而忽略了對自己孩子的教育;二是對自己的孩子要求過高,造成逆反心理。

Some clerics , seeing the hour of their own judgment before them , gave confessions and indulgences for free , but there were others who made small fortunes selling forgiveness at exorbitant rates 有些神職人員明白他們自己的末日迫在眉睫,免費聽取懺悔和赦免罪行;但也有些神父趁機敲詐,靠出賣寬恕發了小小的橫財。

Article 1 in order to safeguard the order of the socialist market economy , curb the making of exorbitant profits , and protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers , these measures are hereby formulated 第一條為了維護社會主義市場經濟秩序,制止牟取暴利,保護消費者的合法權益,制定本規定。

The window , let at an exorbitant price , which the count had doubtless wished to conceal from his guests , was on the second floor of the great palace , situated between the via del babuino and the monte pincio 伯爵花了很高的價錢租得的那個窗口是在那座大宮殿的三樓上,位于巴布諾街和平西奧山之間。

For the privilege of six rooms and a bath , running in a straight line , they were compelled to pay thirty - five dollars a month - an average , and yet exorbitant , rent for a home at the time 租用一排六個房間和一個浴室,他們每月得付塊錢-這在當時只是一般住戶的房租,但還是高得嚇人。

It is learnt that some filipino workers have paid exorbitant placement fees to certain recruiting agencies which supply foreign labour for the airport core programme projects 據悉一些菲律賓工人曾向某些為新機場核心計劃工程提供外地勞工的招聘公司繳付鉅額的就業安排費用。

Microsoft is in october portion released ie7 browser last year , the exorbitant of browser future plan with banner to its market microsoft is silent got criticize recently 微軟在去年十月份發布了ie7瀏覽器,微軟對它市場領先的瀏覽器未來計劃過分的沉默最近受到了批評。

Answer : you know , the reason why some restaurants have that rule is that they are coercing the customers to buy the beverage that is exorbitant and nearly ripping off 回答:你知道,飯店之所以這么捉是他們在強迫顧客買飲料,而飯店的飲料高額簡直是在搶劫。

There was a case for seeking some sort of compensation for the huge discounts and exorbitant profits that mr khodorkovsky and others had enjoyed 當年曾有這樣一個訴訟,因為霍氏和其它寡頭們以前享有極大的折扣和巨額利潤,訴訟正是針對于此尋求某種補償。

By legend , grameen grew out of a $ 27 loan mr yunus made in 1974 to a woman manufacturing furniture who did have credit , but at an exorbitant price 傳說中,格萊珉是從尤努斯先生1974年貸款$ 27給一個制作家具的婦女而起家的,她當時有貸款,但是成本過高。

New bernabeu coach fabio capello has declared his intent to bring the player to la liga , but has refused to be held to ransom on what he considers an exorbitant price 馬戲團的新教練卡佩羅宣稱他很希望把老范帶到西班牙,不過由于價錢太高,他暫時拒絕了

Shevchenko would cost an exorbitant sum , but rumours have long suggested that abramovich would happily dig deep into his fortune to buy the prolific striker 舍甫琴科或許身價不斐,但是傳聞一直說阿布拉莫維奇十分有興趣花大價錢購買這位高產射手。

She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered , but was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse 她找到一個不起眼的小飯店,就走了進去。但是她不安地發現那里的價錢高得嚇人,不是她的錢包可以付得起的。

Is bilirubin exorbitant does regular meeting get hepatitis ? prove liver function was destroyed certainly ? as influential as other organs still 膽紅素過高是不是就一定會得肝炎呢?是不是一定證實肝功能被破壞了呢?還和其他的器官有影響嗎