
exogamy n.1.異族結婚;外婚 (opp. endogamy)。...


It also appeared that if the existence of exogamous tribes either actually capturing their wives , or observing the symbol of capture in their marriage ceremonies , should be established in a reasonable number of cases , it would be legitimate inference that exogamy has prevailed wherever we find a system of capture , or the form of capture , existing 它同樣表明,如果外婚部落的存在(無論是實際地捕獲他們的妻子,還是在婚禮中刻意表現劫奪的象征)有相當數量的案例加以確定,這將是合理的推論,在任何我們發現系統的劫掠或形式的劫掠存在的地方,都流行外婚。

What farther knowledge of rude tribes now existing may show to us it would be idle to conjecture ; but it might be plausibly maintained , upon the facts already known to us , that the principle of exogamy has in fact prevailed , and the system of capturing wives in fact been practiced at a certain stage among every race of mankind 現有的關于野蠻部落的更多的知識也許向我們顯示它是一個無價值的臆測;但基于我們已經了解的事實,這可能繼續象是真的,即,外婚法則實際上存在而且捕掠妻子的制度在所有人種的某一階段實際上是習以為常的。

We now confidently submit that the conditions requisite for this inference have been amply established in the three preceding chapters ; so that we may conclude that wherever capture , or the form of capture , prevails , or has prevailed , exogamy 現在我們放心地提出這一推論的必要條件在前面三章已經充分確定,所以我們可以得出結論:哪里里流行或曾經流行劫奪或形式的劫奪,哪里就流行外婚。

This preference for exogamy , gutman suggests , may have derived from west african rules governing marriage , which , though they differed from one tribal group to another , all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin 古特曼指出,異族通婚的傾向可能起源于西部非洲的婚姻規則,雖然他們來自不同的部落,但是他們都于禁止近親結婚的的規則相關。

Conversely , we may say that , wherever exogamy can be found , we may confidently expect to find , after due investigation , at least traces of a system , of capture 反過來,我們可以說哪里有外婚制被發現,我們可以安心地期待在一定的調查之后,發現劫奪,至少是劫奪體系的痕跡。

He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young , native - born asians in new england ( the u . s . northeast ) , for example “他摘引的一項研究表明,例如住在美國東北部新英格蘭地區的當地出生的亞裔年輕人異族通婚率高?達80 % 。

Among third - generation hispanic and asian americans , exogamy - - marriage outside one ' s ethnic group or tribe - - is at least 50 percent , he and others estimate 據他和其他研究人員估計在第三代拉美裔和亞裔美國人中至少有50 %與異族通婚。

He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young , native - born asians in new england ( the u . s 埃德蒙斯頓指出“與傳統的西南部和西部聚居區相比,居住在各族混居地區的亞裔和拉美裔美國人異族婚姻的比例非常高。

Incest rules and rules of exogamy are related, not identical . 關于亂倫的規定和異族通婚的規定是有關聯的,但并不是完全相同的。