exodus n.1.離去,退出;(移民等大批)出國。2.〔E-〕 古...
n. 1.離去,退出;(移民等大批)出國。 2.〔E-〕 古代以色列人出埃及。 3.〔E-〕 【圣經】《出埃及記》。 “capital exodus“ 中文翻譯: 資本逃避“exodus (unlicensed)“ 中文翻譯: 摩西“exodus project“ 中文翻譯: 套裝軟體專案“mass exodus“ 中文翻譯: 大批撤退; 大批出走; 人口大規模流亡“rural exodus“ 中文翻譯: 農村遷離; 農村遷徙; 遷離農村“the exodus decoded“ 中文翻譯: 解密出埃及記“the exodus song“ 中文翻譯: 出埃及記; 出埃及主題曲“exodus (main theme from exodus)“ 中文翻譯: 出埃及記“exodus from edoras“ 中文翻譯: 撤離埃多拉斯; 從埃多拉斯撤離“exodorda“ 中文翻譯: 由鵑梅屬“exodontology“ 中文翻譯: 拔牙學“exodontist“ 中文翻譯: 拔牙學家; 拔牙專家“exodontics“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔pl.〕【醫學】拔牙學(=exodontia)。 n. -dontist 拔牙專家。 “exodyke“ 中文翻譯: 沉積巖墻“exodontia“ 中文翻譯: n. 拔牙術;拔牙學。
exoergic |
The president of the university has watched soaring real estate prices in silicon valley prompt a steady exodus of his staff 硅谷地區房地產價格飛漲,結果校長眼看著他手下的人都紛紛離去。 |
In the past , a mass exodus would leave the hive to be ransacked by honeybees from neighbouring colonies 過去,蜂群大規模出走后,周圍鄰近的蜂群會蜂擁而至,把廢棄的蜂窩翻個底朝天。 |
In times of crisis , like the great exodus from china in 1962 , women played a crucial role 在危機時刻,例如在一九六二年大批非法入境者由中國涌入時,女警擔當一個至為重要的角色。 |
Moreover i will also be diligent that you may be able , after my exodus , to bring these things to mind at all times 15不僅如此,我也要竭力,使你們在我去世以后,時常記念這些事。 |
All through the developing word the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already 在整個發展中的世界里,退出農村而向城市科遷徙的先鋒已經到達了城市的邊緣。 |
The exodus would help those left behind to expand their land holdings and use them more efficiently 一部分農民離開土地將使留在農村的人增加土地持有量,從而更有效率的利用土地。 |
This was the hungry exodus from the quartier breda which took place nightly when the street lamps had just been lit 在華燈初照之時,布雷達地區的妓女們如饑似渴地紛紛走上街頭。 |
Today i want to use the historical experience of exodus to reflect on the “ the test of faith 今日,我要用以色列人出埃及的歷史經驗與大家一起思考關于信心的考驗之信仰問題。 |
The beginning of the 90s was marked by war in the persian gulf , followed by the exodus of 1 . 5 million iraqi kurds 上個世紀90年代初爆發了波斯灣戰爭, 150萬伊拉克庫爾德人外逃。 |
According to the united nations refugee agency , the violence is triggering a steady exodus from the country 聯合國難民事務高級專員公署說,伊拉克的暴力事件引發人員不斷外逃。 |
The exodus would help those left behind to expand their land holdings and use them more efficiently 外出人員會擴大那些留守人員擁有的土地數量,以使土地更有效率的使用。 |
Exodus 9 : 30 “ but as for you and your servants , i know that you do not yet fear the lord god . 出9 : 30至于你和你的臣仆,我知道你們在耶和華上帝的面前還是沒有懼怕的心。 |
But the islands are also experiencing a slow exodus as people seek a better standard of living 但是隨著人們紛紛追求更好的生活,群島也正經歷著一波緩慢的人口外移。 |
Exodus 3000 is an online adventure game taking place one thousand years in the future 火星探險3000年是一款免費線上冒險游戲,時間是發生在未來的西元3000年 |
The very first song she made for exodus . she thinks it ' s the song most representative of her style 光為exodus作的第一首。她相信這首最那代表她的風格。 |
Many contemporary authorities believe that the exodus took place in the 13th century bc 很多同時代的權威相信《出埃及記》是發生在公元前十三世紀。 |
Exodus 14 : 19 says that the angel of god also removed and went behind them 出埃及記第14章19節說: “在以色列營前行走神的使者,轉到他們后邊去。 ” |
The resulting exodus , he says , would prompt “ serious thinking ” in pyongyang 他說,如果最后會以難民涌出國門告終,將促使平壤方面“嚴肅思考“ 。 |
There was an earlier exodus this year of people who were anybody to the watering places and europe 今年那些貴人到海濱和歐洲度假走得比往年早。 |