
existence n.1.存在,實在,繼續存在。2.生存,生活,生活方式。...


The chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake . 中華民族到了這生死存亡的關頭。

It confirmed the existence of underwater features of considerable magnitude . 還證實了相當多水下特征的存在。

The existence of international trade companies and banks is not new . 國際貿易公司和國際銀行并不是新鮮事。

Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence . 他第一次跌進人生黑暗深淵的情形就是這樣。

Thompson was able to demonstrate the existence of two isotopes of neon . 湯普森能證明氖有兩種同位素存在。

It is just the sequential form of the existence of least upper bounds . 這正好是上確界存在性的序列形式。

They have also been concerned to establish the existence of a puritan tradition . 他們還要樹立清教傳統。

These canonical forms have to existence except in our imagination . 這些正規式并不存在,只是我們的想象。

The people she met outside seemed to begrudge her very existence . 她在外界遇到的人似乎妒忌她的存在。

He wondered if inanimate objects might have a mental existence . 他懷疑是否非生物也可能具有思想意識。

A contented spirit, mr. richard, is the sweetness of existence . 理查先生,一個知足的人生活才能美滿。

His existence could only become the most grotesque of failures . 他的存在只能成為最最荒誕可笑的失敗。

I have in mind the existence of sociological laws or hypotheses . 我想,社會科學規律或假說是存在的。

These few past months of his existence must be entirely blotted out . 過去幾個月的生活必須統統抹掉。

They had to have some way of eking out a reasonable existence . 他們不得不辛辛苦苦地維持合理的生活。

You colour the idea of a prolonged existence in seductive hue . 你以引人入勝的色彩描繪了長壽的概念。

He always felt ashamed of the existence his parents were living . 他總是為他父母的生活方式感到羞恥。

He became a captive, bound to the chariot social existence . 他成了俘虜,給套在社會生活的馬車上。

He had proved the existence features of considerable magnitude . 他還證實了相當多水下特征的存在。