
exile n.1.流放,放逐,充軍;流亡,亡命。2.充軍者,流犯;...


I won ' t go into exile . - wouldn ' t you like your own room - 我不會去exile你不喜歡你自己的房間里. .

Right before he was defeated and exiled 在他被擊敗遭到流放之前

He has been living in exile in india 他一直在印度過著流亡生活。

The military government invited us to exile , 七六年的時候,政府軍

Napoleon returns from exile in elba , 拿破侖從厄爾巴島的流放地返回

Parched in exile thirsty for your smile 我是多么渴望渴望你的微笑

The czar of russia and his exiled subjects 俄國沙皇與被放逐的子民

His father gets mixed up in politics , goes into exile 他的爸爸瞎摻和政治活動,被流放了

One of the three prophets after the exile 是放逐之后的三個先知之一。

Studies on of exile of vietnamese imperial clan in late - qing china 清季越南宗室亡隱中國考

After an exile of ten years her uncle returned to britain 她叔叔背井離鄉十年后返回英國

After an exile of ten year her uncle returned to britain 她叔叔背井離鄉十年后返回英國。

They sent napoleon into exile to the island of st helena 他們把拿破侖流放到圣赫勒拿島。

After an exile of ten years her uncle returned to britain 她叔叔背井離鄉十年返回英國

Follows by the exile , marched into dark redeeming 伴隨著被放逐者,步入了黑暗的救贖。

You call governing this major province , exile 你說管轄這個大省是流放?

She was paroled and exiled to the united states in 2005 2005年,她獲得假釋后流亡美國。

A study on the exile system in yuan dynasty ' s criminal law 元代刑法體系中的出軍制度探析

Is the imprisoned lightning , and her name mother of exiles 她的火炬像桀驁難禁的閃電,