exigent adj.1.緊急的,危急的。2.(生活)艱苦的;苛求的。...
adj. 1.緊急的,危急的。 2.(生活)艱苦的;苛求的。 短語和例子be exigent of money 急需金錢。 “be exigent of“ 中文翻譯: 急需, 非常需要“exigent circumstance“ 中文翻譯: 緊急情況“exigent condition“ 中文翻譯: 緊急狀態“exigent machine check“ 中文翻譯: 緊急機器檢驗“procedure of exigent by publication“ 中文翻譯: 公示催告程序“exigency“ 中文翻譯: 緊急,迫切; 緊急的需要; 緊急情況; 緊急事件; 緊急需要; 緊急狀態; 苛求; 迫切要求“exigencies of the service“ 中文翻譯: 公務需要“exigencies“ 中文翻譯: 迫切情況“exigentduties“ 中文翻譯: 緊急義務“exigencecy“ 中文翻譯: 急事“exigenter“ 中文翻譯: 催告人“exigence exigency“ 中文翻譯: 緊急當口; 突發性事件; 嚴酷要求
exigible |
Mis makes use of information process technology for manufacture , management , decision , so how to acclimatize himself to change of living environments and competitive rule because of ec is the exigent problem to construct information system 同時管理信息系統作為企業利用信息處理技術進行生產、管理和決策的集大成者,如何完善自身以適應電子商務發展帶來的生存環境、競爭規則變化,成為企業信息系統建設迫切需要考慮的問題。 |
In twenty - one century , since human beings are threatened by lacking of resources & energy , pollution , breaking of ecologic balance and natural disaster , circumstance protection becomes exigent . green economy is becoming a trend of development of the world 21世紀,面對資源短缺,能源匱乏、環境污染、生態破壞和各種自然災害的威脅,環保成為世界各國的迫切任務,綠色經濟成為世界發展趨勢。 |
Chapter 4 is some examples from the international famous great company , the successes based on supply chain contrast to the before of themselves . to show that the supply chain management is necessary and exigent to our internal companies 第四章是國際上一些知名的大公司,在推行供應鏈改革前后的實力對比,以實踐結果證明該理論的正確性,以及我國企業推行供應鏈管理的必要性和迫切性。 |
The requirement for ocean shipping enterprises to carry out effective safety management becomes more and more exigent . the systematic safety evaluation plays an important fundamental role to improve the effectiveness of safety management 從海運企業實施有效安全管理的要求出發,綜合應用安全科學、系統學、指標體系的理論與方法等對海運安全管理中的核心問題? ?安全評價進行系統研究。 |
The bill clearly specifies that only under exigent situations can a police officer at the rank of assistant commissioner of police or above ( of which there are now 21 in the police establishment ) authorise the exercise of emergency investigation powers 條例草案明文規定,只有在極緊急情況下,方可由助理警務處長或以上職級的警務人員(按警隊編制共21人)授權行使緊急調查權力。 |
With the rapid development of city construction , the desire for developing large span and large space civil construction becomes especially exigent in order to meet the public ' s variable demands on the usage and living circumstances 隨著我國城市建設的飛速發展,特別是為了適應公眾對使用及居住環境個性化的不同要求,開發大開間、大跨度的公共民用建筑的要求尤為迫切。 |
At present , the sustainable development is the focus of the world . with the worsening relationship between human beings and the environment , it is more and more exigent to research the essential of the got - up environment rationally 目前,可持續發展已經成為全球共同關注的焦點,在人與自然的關系危機越來越突出的今天,對人工環境的本質意義的理性探索就顯得日益迫切。 |
So we need not only keep on increasing the design level of structural reliability , the more realistic , and exigent task are the studies of the reliability evaluation theory and maintenance decision means for the structures on active duty 所以,為了提高結構的可靠性,不僅要提高結構可靠度的設計水平,更現實的任務是研究現役結構的可靠性評定理論及維修決策方法。 |
Utilizing the current resources of enterprise , reducing the unnecessary exploitation and integrating the information of other systems together with the web system has become the exigent task of our enterprises 為了充分地利用現有的資源,減少不必要的再次開發,如何把企業原有的信息和現在正要開發的系統有機地結合起來,成為了很多企業當前迫切需要解決的問題。 |
Short term load forecasting ( stlf ) is the precondition of economic and secure operation of power system , and because the power system are getting more and more marketable , stlf with high quality is getting more and more important and exigent 短期負荷預測是電力系統安全經濟運行的前提,隨著電力系統的市場化,高質量的短期負荷預測越來越顯得重要和迫切。 |
Facing the new environment of wto , how to participate in the aboil competion market and how to use the scientific theory and technique to bid as a chinese construction enterprise is a very important and exigent research subject 面對加入wto的新環境,我國施工企業如何積極參與市場競爭、依據科學的理論與方法進行工程投標,是一項非常迫切和重要的研究課題。 |
Finally , the writer points out that the most exigent things we should pay more attention lie in the effort : awake the awareness of citizen , cultivate the good habit of political participate , reinforce the civic supervise to the cost of government 為了降低行政成本,必須在喚醒公民意識、培養公民政治參與的行為習慣、加強對行政成本的公民監督等方面下功夫。 |
Thus it plays an important role in the field of the construction of basic establishment in area . it is exigent how to construct highway scientific and make them come into being network in the region traffic 因而公路網建設已成為了各個大中城市在基礎設施建設領域中的重要問題,隨之而來的如何科學合理的建設公路形成路網就成為大中城市迫切要解決的問題。 |
As the complicacies and veracities of the mechanical equipment increased and the high development speed of internet technique , internet - based fault diagnosis become more exigent and important 近年來伴隨著網絡的高速發展同時對機械故障診斷的準確性及復雜性要求的增加,以往的單機故障診斷系統已不能滿足要求,所以網絡化故障診斷系統應運而生。 |
With the development of the web - based education and the online course , how to develop the online course and guarantee it has been a important and exigent problem of the web - based education in domestic 隨著網絡教育的發展,網絡課程的數量也迅速增長,如何開發網絡課程及保證其質量成了我國發展網絡教育的一個非常重要而迫切的課題。 |
Furthermore , along with the rapid development of multimedia soc chip in our country , it is exigent of developing audio - adcs independent . the principles of - adcs are discussed firstly 而且隨著我國多媒體soc芯片的迅速發展,也迫切需要自主研發基于cmos工藝實現的低功耗、低成本、高精度的音頻adc 。 |
With people entering the era of information , the requirement for the security of the data which will be transmitted , stored or processed will be more and more exigent and important 進入信息時代,人們對信息的安全傳輸、安全存儲、安全處理的要求越來越迫切。信息安全研究的內容很多,加密技術是最關鍵的。 |
With the development of the computer and communication technology , the users “ requirements for the information ' s safety storage , safety process and safety transmission are getting more and more exigent 隨著計算機和通信技術的發展,用戶對信息的安全存儲、安全處理和安全傳輸的需求越來越迫切。 |
It course includes both knowledge and skills , but the later is exigent . in order to examine students from various angles , the penman designs a web - based examination system 針對目前考核方式存在的不足,筆者設計了一個基于web的考試系統,試圖從知識、技能以及創新能力對學生進行全面考核。 |