
exhilaration n.高興,興奮。-rative, -ratory adj...


The ethnic literature originated from the coordinating place of farming culture of the han ethnic group and nomadic hunting culture of the northern ethnic groups , combining the courageous and robust constituents of the northern hunting culture , thus imbuing our colorful chinese literature with thriving vigor , characterized with northern exhilaration and southern delicacy 摘要金代各民族文學成長于漢民族農耕文化與北方民族游獵文化的結合部,蘊含著游牧狩獵文化威武有加、健勇無比的寶貴元素,從而為北雄南秀、異彩紛呈的中國文學注人了勃勃生機與原始活力。

A llhallows or christmas all are children the most excitement and exhilaration day , but donald duck & the gorilla not so felicity , they are despair , dreariness and scare of holiday , the all are donald duck ‘ s uncle so treat oneself nephew 萬圣節或圣誕節都孩子們最興奮最愉快的日子,但是小小唐老鴨們可就沒有那么幸運了,他們過的是失望、可怕、驚嚇的節日假期,這都是唐老鴨叔叔一手造成的,為什么唐老鴨叔叔會這樣對待自己的侄子呢?

My cousins , full of exhilaration , were so eloquent in narrative and comment , that their fluency covered st . john s taciturnity : he was sincerely glad to see his sisters ; but in their glow of fervour and flow of joy he could not sympathise 興高彩烈的表姐們,又是敘述又是議論,滔滔不絕,她們的暢談掩蓋了圣.約翰的沉默。看到妹妹們,他由衷地感到高興,但是她們閃爍的熱情,流動的喜悅都無法引起他的共鳴。

There is no exhilaration like catching a glimpse of the past as we did recently when the olympic flame was lit in the games ' ancient birthplace and where the shot - put event will be staged 最近當奧運圣火在比賽古代的誕生地同時也是擲鉛球比賽的場地點燃時,在捕捉過去的瞬間,沒有一絲狂喜。

A mixture of emotions flooded the author ' s soul , from fear to sympathy for the caribous ' impending doom and exhilaration from witnessing one of natures plays unfolding in front of his eyes 我百感交集,既哀憐馴鹿之劫數難逃,又樂于親眼見證此自然法則之游戲開場

[ indent ] 16 . [ / indent ] collaborate . the space between people working together is filled with conflict , friction , strife , exhilaration , delight , and vast creative potential 合作. ,一起工作的人們之間充滿了斗爭,摩擦,爭吵,愉快,歡欣和巨大的潛在創新

All about was the night , pulsating with the thoughts of pleasure and exhilaration - the city bent upon finding joy in a thousand different ways 四周是一片夜色,跳動著對快樂和幸福的向往-是一個大都市一心要千方百計地追求享樂的奇妙的狂熱之情。

Collaborate . the space between people working together is filled with conflict , friction , strife , exhilaration , delight , and vast creative potential 合作. ,一起工作的人們之間充滿了斗爭,摩擦,爭吵,愉快,歡欣和巨大的潛在創新

Imparted to him by angelic ministrations . it might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial , which is distilled only in the furnace - glow of 那力量可能是潛在熱情的興奮表現,是從長期不斷的誠摯思想的熔爐中蒸餾出來的。

In one cruel moment our exhilaration turned to horror ; we waited and watched and tried to make sense of what we had seen 一個殘酷的瞬間,我們由精神振奮變為充滿恐懼,我們等待著,觀望著,試圖弄明白眼前發生的事情。

The tantric path encompasses beauty , sensitivity , and exhilaration through eating , drinking , tasting , smelling , touching 坦陀羅的道路通過吃,喝,味覺,嗅覺,觸覺而達成,包圍著美麗、敏感和令人愉快。

Due to masters unconditional love and infinite light , the seminar thus ended in an atmosphere of great exhilaration and contentment 由于師父的愛力加持,這場講座在來賓們的欣喜與滿足中落幕。

This state is characterised by feelings of exhilaration , and intrusive , obsessive thoughts about the object of one ' s affection 這種狀態的特征,是興奮感和對情感對象打擾式的和強迫性的思戀。

You feel such a sense of exhilaration that you wouldn ' t exchange it for all the power and glory of the world 使你高興的是:即使全世界所有的榮譽和權力都擺在你的面前,你也不必用它去交換。

How does one learn to feel the gentle exhilaration in the dance of a butterfly and appreciate the tenacity of evergreen trees 為何難以接納別人?如何感知蝴蝶的飛舞?松柏的蒼勁?

Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory . - g . s . patton , sr 接受挑戰吧,如此你才能體會到勝利的喜悅。

Accept challenges , so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory 接受挑戰吧,這樣你才能感受到勝利的喜悅。

Davidson's restlessness was intolerable even to himself. but he was buoyed up by a wonderful exhilaration . 戴維遜坐立不安,連他自己都感到無法忍受。但是一種奇特的興奮情緒支撐著他。

His voice could be so soft and happy-go-lucky, it went through her veins like an exhilaration . 她的嗓音能如此的柔和和無憂無慮,一陣興奮流過她的血管。