
exhibition n.1.表明,顯示。2.陳列,展覽。3.【法律】(證據等...


Animals and birds exhibitions amendment regulation 2006 2006年公眾生動物及禽鳥

A legacy of the great exhibition was the founding of the 的建筑內舉辦,其主題是

The exhibition is not closed to the public on sundays 展覽會星期天對公眾開放。

Group exhibition in hong kong venue : hongkong art centre 舉行聯展于香港藝術中心

Supply of about 40 showcases at the exhibition galleries 供應展覽廳約40個陳列柜

Historical relics exhibition corporation for foreign countries 對外文物展覽公司

Exhibition displays paintings depicting sweet love 區凱琳繪畫展陳列甜蜜愛情小品

Hkscm exhibition tour energy efficiency centre 香港科學館展廳導覽能源效益中心

Can you believe , l ' m putting on an exhibition 你能相信嗎,我正在舉行一個展覽?

Whatever you do , don ' t miss this exhibition 無論你干什么,都不要錯過這次展覽。

Hongkong international trade and exhibition centre hktec 香港國際展貿中心hktec

Launch of the hkma s exhibition “ money in hong kong 香港金融貨幣展覽正式開幕

Photo : exhibition of winning and outstanding logos 相片:得獎作品及入圍作品一覽

Introduction : novice works , please exhibitions 初出茅廬的作品,請各位多多指教。

Suggested usage : small - scale exhibition cocktail reception 用途:小型展覽及酒會

An exhibition opens with the paint hardly dry on some of the stands and with a lot of hammering still going on as the doors are opened to public . 展覽會開幕時,有些展臺的油漆還沒干透;展覽館的大門已經開放接待觀眾,而館內還在敲敲打打釘釘子呢!

Even the gentlest of the females, however, had received too much satisfaction in the late trials to forego their expectations of a gratifying exhibition . 幾場開庭審問,就是最善良的婦女都看得津津有味,所以誰都不愿放棄這種看精彩節目的眼福。

Those likely to be offended or over deeply affected by such unpleasant exhibitions were not in the way of having their quiet living disturbed by them . 這種不愉快的景象似乎不致觸犯或影響他們,不致打攪他們的安靜生活。

It seemed as if he would not open the portfolio unless the proud shirley deigned to show herself interested in the exhibition . 看來好象是除非那個高傲的謝利肯表示自己高興給人們看,否則,他是不會打開那只皮包的。