
exegetic adj.(關于《圣經》等宗教經典的)注釋的。adv.-c...


The people who studied neijing ( 內 經 ) historieally can be classified as two sorts ? the exegetes in collation and exegetes in commentaries of medicine books . the former such as duanyucai ( 段 玉 裁 ) 、 hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , who belonged to anhui school of the experts in plain - ology , paid their attentions to textual researeh for contextual contents as their style of study , and the latter sueh as wangbing ( 王 冰 ) 、 wukun ( 吳 昆 ) 、 zhangjiebin ( 張 介 賓 ) 、 mashi ( 馬 蒔 ) 、 zhangzhicong ( 張 志 聰 ) , who all were famous physicians , paid their attentions to the explaining of medical principles as their style of study . a famous professor of the conteeporary era , qianchaochen ( 錢 超 塵 ) , pointed out clearly that there are two schools in the exegetical history of neijing ( 內 經 ) - the collative school and the exegetic school . but up to date , in the field of chinese medicine , the collative school has been short of being studied . this dissertation mainly study the collative school , and select suwen ( 素 問 ) collative school , which is consisted of hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , as the object to discuss the far - reaching influence of plain - ology to the study of medical documents 歷史上研究《內經》的群體主要有兩大類:校勘訓詁家類和醫學注釋家類。前者以段玉裁、胡澎、俞樾、孫詒讓、于鬯等皖派樸學家為核心力量,治學風格上偏于文理的考證;后者以王冰、吳昆、張介賓、馬蒔、張志聰等醫學大家為主要代表,治學風格上偏于醫理的解釋。當代著名醫學文獻研究專家錢超塵則明確提出了“校詁派”與“注釋派”兩大派別概念。

So , this dissertation focused on these main ways of traditional chinese philology , such as the ways of philology , phonology and exegetics , and basing on the particularity of medicine documents , summed up roundly a system of the ways of anhui - school plain - ology about collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) from five angles - the way of distinguishing the forms , the way of discussing the pronunciations , the way of explaining the meanings , the way of collation , the way of explaining the medical principles , and by comparing it with the exegetic school , made a farther summarization to the characteristics of the collative school from such ways - the style of study , the spirit of study and the way of study , etc 論文從五個角度全面歸納了皖派樸學《素問》校詁的方法體系:辨形方法、考音方法、釋義方法、校勘方法、釋醫理方法。在比較“注釋派”的基礎上,本文從治學風格、治學精神、治學方法諸方面,進一步總結了校詁派的獨到特色。第四,中國學術史上的“漢宋之爭”是形成《素問》校詁派與注釋派的重要學術背景因素。

Suwen ( 素 問 ) is a sub - school of collation school . second , we made a general analysis to 195 cases of collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) made by hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , and compared them with the contents of textural research of the exegetic school in the former part of the dissertation 第二,本文研究方法首先是對胡澎、俞樾、孫詁讓、于鬯的195條《素問》校釋實例進行了全面分析,并與“注釋派”的考證內容進行了比較。