
execution n.1.實行,履行,執行;貫徹。2.執行死刑;強制執行;...

execution sale

Stops the execution of code by the runtime 主機無法從進程中卸載公共語言運行庫。

Id of the step in the job where execution should begin 執行作業的起始步驟的id 。

Execution of special geotechnical works - micropiles 特殊土工工程的實施.小型樁

Legal problems on the execution of suspended sentence 緩刑罪犯收監的法律適用問題

Does not contain the inferred value after statement execution 不包含推斷的值。

Execution continues with the statement following the 語句之后的語句將繼續執行。

Continue execution after an exception has been thrown 在引發異常之后繼續執行。

Setting , clearing , and controlling automatic execution 設置、清除和控制自動執行

Takes place before each execution of the loop , a 的測試發生在執行循環之前,因此

Iraqi government to probe saddam execution video 伊拉克政府將調查薩達姆處決錄像

Execution of special geotechnical work - ground anchors 特殊土工工程的執行.地錨

Test case execution under control of the debugger 調試器控制下的測試實例執行。

Then the execution of that code at run time leads to a 那么程式碼在運行時會形成

You allow execution of java classes to continue ,您允許java類的執行繼續進行。

Queues an overlapped i o operation for execution 將重疊的i / o操作排隊以便執行。

If you have anything to say before your execution 如果你在臨死之前有什么話要說

His conduct, on the unhappy occasion of wilson's execution, was capable of being attributed to an imprudent excess of zeal in the execution of his duty . 在處理威爾遜的不幸事故中,他的過失可以解釋為執行任務時過分輕率的熱心。

Individual scientists working in the laboratory are taught to take great pains to eliminate bias and error during the execution of experiments . 要教育在實驗室工作的科學家在實驗過程中應力求避免偏頗與差錯。

But, as in theater, so also in organizational life, the magic fusion between anticipation and execution often fizzles . 但是,如在劇場中,也和組織生活中一樣,預期效果和實際情況之間的魔術般的結合經常失敗。