
execute vt.1.實行,實施,執行;履行;貫徹,完成。2.作成,...


In the clamour and confusion, one group stood out as experienced, disciplined, effective, possessed of both revolutionary ideas and the capacity to execute them . 在這種動蕩和混亂的局勢中,有一個集團由于有經驗,有紀律,有影響,有革命主張,也有執行這些主張的能力而顯得突出。

A program called an assembler converts programs that you write in assembly language into programs which the computer can understand and execute . 有一種叫做“匯編程序”的程序,能將你用匯編語言編寫的程序轉換成計算機所能接受并加以執行的程序。

The umw executed full-scale campaigns in 1900 and again in 1902 to organize the state and failed . 美國礦工聯合會曾經在一九年和一九二年發動全面運動以便在該州組織工會,但是他們的一切努力都失敗了。

This inoffensive courtier of impeccable manners was executed senselessly after an absurd trial lasting less than an hour . 這位舉止完美,與世無爭的庭臣經過不到一小時荒謬的審判就被毫無道理地處決了。

Tenderly did she treat him, and fondly did she serve him in every way that heart could devise or hand execute . 她小心體貼地侍奉著他,凡是心里想到的,手里做得出的事情,她都樂意為他去干。

The geodimeter measurements executed in april also disclosed very rapid and complicated horizontal crustal movements . 四月份進行的光電測距儀測量也揭示水平地殼運動是非常快而復雜的。

The speed with which your microcomputer executes programs will vary linearly with the speed of your clock signal . 你的微型計算機執行程序的速度將與你的時鐘信號的速度成線性關系。

A pure top-down recognizer will execute many calls and returns, and these are slower than pure jumps . 純自頂向下識別程序將要執行很多CALL和RETURN,但這兩個動作要比純轉移慢得多。

In fact, you can execute much larger programs as long as the larger program can be broken into blocks . 實際上,你可以執行相當長的程序,因為你可以把很長的程序劃分成許多程序塊。

As in the days of hezekinh, so today is god using the fury of the barbarians to execute his fierce anger . 正如希西家那個時代,如今上帝也是借野蠻人的兇焰來體現上天的憤怒。

If we load this known address, as data, into the program counter, we execute a jump instruction . 如果我們將已知的地址依數據加載到程序計數器中,就可以執行一條轉移指令。

We should call for the assassination of orlovhe is traitor, betraying the people, and he should be executed . 我們應當刺殺奧爾洛夫,他是人民的叛徒,應當處以極刑。

Somebody persuaded stalin to execute the cream of his officer corps during the years hitler rose to power . 在希特勒剛上臺那幾年中,有人勸斯大林處死他軍官中的精華。

The bank also accepts deposits and executes foreign exchange transactions for member countries . 該行也接受經互會成員國的存款,并為成員國辦理外匯業務。

If he were convinced executed for this alleged crime it would be a travesty on justice . 要是他為了人家所說的這件罪行被判處死刑,那是在把法律當作兒戲。

There is no suggestion here that clyde griffiths, the executed man, should have been acquitted . 這并不是說被處決的克萊德格里菲斯本應無罪開釋。

There is no suggestion here that clyde griffiths, the executed man, should have been acquitted . 這并不是說被處決的克萊德格里菲斯本該無罪開釋。

They were executing officers of rank of major and above who were separated form their troops . 少校以上的軍官,凡是跟原來部隊走散了的,一概槍決。

I do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states . 我鄭重宣誓我必忠實的執行合眾國總統的職務。