
excretion n.1.排泄;分泌 〔cf. secretion〕。2....


Biochemical investigations showed hyponatremia , hyperkalemia , hypochloremia , metabolic acidosis and large amount of urinary sodium excretion 經過適當治療和水分補充,臨床腸胃癥狀很快獲得緩解。

It mainly defines the advances of research in the relationship between the excretion of hyp and the condition of ruminant nutrition 重點闡述了羥脯氨酸的排出量與反芻動物營養狀況中的研究進展。

These patterns of urinary excretion , with the exception of phosphate excretion , are similar to those of edit its with hypertension 上述之變化與成人突發性高血壓癥病人的尿電解質排泄狀況相似。

L - arginine is a conditionally essential basic amino acid primarily involved in urea metabolism and excretion as well as dna synthesis 精氨酸是一種基礎氨基酸,有助于尿素的新陳代謝和排泄。

The excretion number of times exceeds a normal person , explaining the digestive system and 泌 wet the system beginning to decline 排泄次數超過正常人,說明消化系統和泌尿系統開始衰退。

Cells of impaired pancreatic islet tissue restore as quickly as possible , the excretion of insulin be normal 細胞盡快康復,胰島素分泌正常,血糖自然得以控制,糖尿病當可自愈。

Methodological study on determining endogenous amino acid excretion of broiler chickens by single intravenous injection of 3h - leucine 測定肉仔雞內源氨基酸排泄量的方法學研究

Excretion of urinary metallothionein and osteal damage induced by cadmium in an environmentally cadmium exposed population 環境鎘接觸人群尿金屬硫蛋白排泄與鎘致骨損傷效應

Replenishing the good bacteria and maintaining good dietary and excretion habits will help discharge accumulated body waste 很可能是因為腸道不健康、排便不暢順的后果。

Drink plenty of filtered or distilled water to keep the urine diluted and to promote the excretion of uric acid 飲用大量的過濾或蒸餾水以增加排尿,幫助中和及排出尿酸。

Pak choi it helps to remove heat from body , facilitate excretion , prevent skin problem and enhance bowel movement 白菜具有清熱、利大小便、防止皮膚病和暢通腸胃的功用。

Relationship between urinary albumin excretion and abnormal metabolism of serum lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes 2型糖尿病患者尿白蛋白排出量與血脂代謝異常的關系

Thus , in alkalosis , the increased potassium ion excretion in exchange for sodium ion permits hydrogen ion conservation 因此在堿中毒中,鈉鉀交換的增加使氫離子保留。

Antibiotics are useful to shorten the duration of the diarrhoea and reduce the duration of bacteria excretion 抗生素可有效縮短腹瀉的時間,從而縮短排出細菌的時間。

Stenches emitting from a nullah in tin shui wai caused by the discharge of untreated pig excretion into it 天水圍一條明渠因排放未經處理的豬只排泄物而發出臭味的事宜

Hands should be washed before and after contact with each patient and when excretions of any kind are handled 在病因確實之前,所有急性腹瀉都應認為是傳染性的。

Lumps in the breast , neck or abdomen ; blood in nasal excretions or sputum , chronic cough or hoarseness of voice 鼻分泌或痰中帶血、經久不愈的咳嗽或聲音嘶啞;

This product can reduce the odor of animal excretion , ammonia and hydrogen sulphid , reduce contamination 減少排泄物之氮源,降低氨及硫化氫之臭味,改善環保。

Potassium is in competition with hydrogen ion for renal tubular excretion in exchange for sodium ion 鉀離子和氫離子在腎小管排泄中相互競爭和鈉離子交換。