
excreta n.〔pl.〕 【生理】排泄物〔特指汗、尿、糞便等〕。


Handling dead or trapped rodents with bare hands ; cleaning or entering closed , rarely used rodent infested structures ; disturbing rodent excreta or nests ; keeping captive wild rodents as pets ; handling equipment or machinery that has been in storage , leaning animal shelter area , hand plowing or planting ; sleeping or camping on the ground , and living in a home with an increased density of mice in or around the home 徒手處理受困嚙類動物或其尸體清理及進入嚙類動物寄居之地方擾亂嚙類動物的巢穴或接觸其排泄物飼養野生的嚙類動物作為寵物處理放置于嚙類動物出沒巢穴的器具徒手種植躺野地與及居住在嚙類動物頻密出沒的地方。

Based on investigation and analysis of the feed , excreta , soil and waters of surface and underground in the livestock farms in jiangsu province with case region survey and nutrient analysis approaches , the nutrient cycling and management and environmental effect in intensive livestock production were assessed 摘要運用案例區域調查法和養分物質分析法,對江蘇牲畜養殖場飼料、牲畜排泄物、土壤、地表及地下水體養分狀況進行了調查、分析,對牲畜規模養殖中的養分循環與管理及其環境效應進行了評價。

Based on 《 clinical laboratory medicine 》 edited by lifan xiong , the brief includes collection and preservation of blood specimen , general examination of blood , thrombosis and hemostasis , blood group and transfusion , urinalysis , examination of cerebrospinal fluid , serous cavity effusion , excreta and secretion 本教學大綱根據熊立凡主編的《臨床檢驗基礎》的血液標本采集和保存、血液一般檢查、血栓與止血、血型檢驗及輸血、尿液檢查、腦脊液、漿膜腔積液、排泄物和分沁物檢查的內容,結合當前新理論、新知識、新技術。

These bacteria produced during the fermentation will also help inhibit the growth of vibro pathogens and decompose pollutants shrimp and fish excreta and feed . this procedure will provide consistant water quality . amazerm can also inhibit the parasitic disease in the cultured animal 如此俟環境水質改善后再放養魚蝦苗,環境水體中有機活菌光合細菌硝化細菌族群除能抑制病原弧菌外,亦能適時分解水中污物飼料殘餌魚蝦類排泄物等有效改善水質及底質。

In general , bioaerosols include viruses ; bacteria and endotoxins ; actinomycete ; fungal spores , glucans , and mycotoxins ; algal and plant cells ; insects and mites ( their fragments and . excreta ) ; and proteins from birds and mammals 一般而官,生物氣膠包括病毒,細菌和其產生的內毒素,放線菌產生的抗原,真菌和其產生的毒素及抗原,藻類產生的毒素及抗原,原生動物和其產生的抗原,以及節肢動物、鳥類、哺乳動物和植物產生的抗原。

Poultry stalls must not have accumulation of obnoxious materials such as poultry excreta and feathers . high pressure hot water jet cleaner with disinfectant should be used to clean all parts of the poultry stalls including walls , floors , poultry cages , and individual scalding room 家禽檔不得積有家禽糞便及羽毛等厭惡物,應使用高壓式熱水噴射器及消毒劑清洗家禽檔各部分,包括墻壁、地面、禽籠及獨立的家禽屠宰室。

Poultry stalls must not have accumulation of obnoxious materials such as poultry excreta and feathers . high pressure hot water jet cleaner with disinfectant should be used to clean all parts of the poultry stalls including walls , floors , poultry cages , and individual scalding room 家禽檔不得積有家禽糞便及羽毛等厭惡物,應使用高壓式熱水噴射器及消毒劑清洗家禽檔各部分,包括墻壁地面禽籠及獨立的家禽屠宰室。

We provide more than 18 000 litter containers and 556 dog excreta collection bins throughout hong kong . there are 2 , 924 rcps in hong kong for the temporary storage of street waste and household waste pending collection 本署在全港提供逾18000個廢屑箱和556個狗糞收集箱,另在全港各處共設有2924個垃圾收集站,用作暫時貯存街道和住戶廢物,以待收集處理。

We provide more than 18 000 litter containers and 556 dog excreta collection bins throughout hong kong . there are 2 , 924 rcps in hong kong for the temporary storage of street waste and household waste pending collection 本署在全港提供逾18 000個廢屑箱和556個狗糞收集箱,另在全港各處共設有2 924個垃圾收集站,用作暫時貯存街道和住戶廢物,以待收集處理。

To prevent streptococcus suis infection , the public are advised to always observe personal and environmental hygiene practices and avoid contact with pigs that are sick or dead from diseases and their excreta or body fluid 市民應時刻保持個人及環境?生,并避免接觸有病或因病死亡的豬只,亦要避免接觸它們的排泄物及體液,以防感染豬鏈球菌。

In this study , an escherichia coli strain with high phytase activity was screened from pig excreta . using primers designed according to the sequence originally described by dassa , appa gene was amplified by pcr technique 本實驗從豬糞中篩選出一個高產植酸酶的e . coli菌株,根據dassa等報道的序列設計一對引物通過pcr方法擴增了appa基因。

To prevent streptococcus suis infection , the public are advised to always observe personal and environmental hygiene practices and avoid contact with pigs that are sick or dead from diseases and their excreta or body fluid 市民應時刻保持個人及環境生,并避免接觸有病或因病死亡的豬只,亦要避免接觸它們的排泄物及體液,以防感染豬鏈球菌。

To prevent streptococcus suis infection , the public are advised to observe personal and environmental hygiene practices and avoid contact with pigs that are sick or dead from diseases and their excreta or body fluid 市民應時刻保持個人及環境?生,并避免接觸有病或因病死亡的豬只,亦要避免接觸它們的排泄物及體液,以防感染豬鏈球菌。

To prevent the disease , the public are advised to always observe personal and environmental hygiene practices and avoid contact with pigs that are sick or dead from diseases and their excreta or body fluid 市民應時刻保持個人及環境?生,并避免接觸有病或因病死亡的豬只,亦要避免接觸它們的排泄物及體液,以防感染豬鏈球菌。

To prevent the disease , the public are advised to always observe personal and environmental hygiene practices and avoid contact with pigs that are sick or dead from diseases and their excreta or body fluid 市民應時刻保持個人及環境生,并避免接觸有病或因病死亡的豬只,亦要避免接觸它們的排泄物及體液,以防感染豬鏈球菌。

1 : 49 diluted household bleach mixing 10ml of bleach with 0 . 5litre of water is used to disinfect surfaces or articles contaminated with vomitus , excreta , secretions or blood 1 : 49稀釋家用漂白水以10毫升漂白水混和于0 . 5公升清水內,用于消毒染有嘔吐物排泄物分泌物或血液的表面或物件。

Travellers to places with reported cases of hantavirus infection should avoid visiting or living in places with poor environmental hygiene . do not contact rodents or their excreta 旅游人士如果要到漢坦病毒感染流行地區旅行,應避免到環境生條件差的地方不要接觸嚙類動物及其排泄物。

Clothing , bedding , furniture or floor surfaces contaminated with vomit or excreta can be decontaminated with diluted domestic bleach . domestic bleach can be used for cleaning and disinfection 被嘔吐物或排泄物弄污的衣服、被單、家具或地板表面,可用稀釋家用漂白水消毒

To help keep hong kong tidy , about 20 , 300 litter containers and some 950 dog excreta collection bins are placed on the streets . they are cleared at least once a day 為保持市容整潔,本署在街道上設置約20 , 300個廢紙箱和約950個狗糞收集箱,由本署清潔工人至少每天清理1次。