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exclusion clause 契約中聲明不屬保險范圍事項的條款。

exclusion principle

Article 17 if there are any exclusion clauses imposed by the insurer in the insurance contract , then the insurer shall give specific and clear explanations thereof to the applicant when concluding the insurance contract , otherwise such clauses shall not be enforceable 第十七條保險合同中規定有關于保險人責任免除條款的,保險人在訂立保險合同時應當向投保人明確說明,未明確說明的,該條款不產生效力。

This thesis discusses the exclusion clause effectiveness judgment issues from four aspects . firstly , the precondition of exclusion clause effectiveness judgment is that the term must be included in the contract and become one part of it 從免責條款效力判斷的前提是免責條款須訂入合同入手,全面闡述了免責條款訂入合同的規則、有效性判斷的標準及效力是否及于第三人等問題。

For some exclusion clause in contract , the problem of adding exclusion clause in the contract could be resolved by following the basic principle of promise and agreement of the contract law 第三章是免責條款的解釋。論述了免責條款解釋的原則、規則及其在司法實踐中的運用。

The above information is for reference only . please refer to the policy for details of the terms , conditions and the exclusions clauses 本資料僅供參考之用,所有條款細則及不保事項概以保單上所載為準。

The information stated above is for reference only . for details , please refer to policy terms and conditions and exclusion clauses 本資料僅供參考之用,所有條款細則及不保事項概以保單上所載為準。

Exclusion clauses seek to exclude the party , from breach of contract , or , limiting his liability on a breach of contract 不屬保險范圍事項的條款:致力于減除合同違約方的違約責任或限定他們的責任。

The above information is for reference only . for details please refer to policy terms and conditions and exclusion clauses 本資料僅供參考之用,所有條款細則及不保事項概以保單上所載為準。

Please refer to the policy for details of the terms and conditions and the exclusion clauses 以上資料僅供參考,所有條款及細則概以保單上所載為準。

Pollution exclusion clause 污染除外條款

It is complex for adding exclusion clause in the format contract 第四章對免責條款規制問題進行分析和探討。

The purpose of making exclusion clause is to have the exempt results 第二章是免責條款的效力判斷。