
excitement n.1.刺激,興奮,振奮;激昂,奮激;騷動。2.刺激的事...


Our leisure is now mainly a restless search for excitement . 我們現在的閑暇,多花費在無休止地追求興奮中。

Europe caught the excitement of investing in american railroad . 歐洲對投資建設美國的鐵路發生了極大興趣。

We got rid of all gloom in the excitement of the exercise . 這種活動使我們興奮,它驅散了一切憂郁和煩惱。

The children were carried away by the excitement of the circus . 孩子們被馬戲團的表演激動得失去了自控。

After the talk with his mother , his excitement sputtered out . 和母親爭吵過以后,他的激動已經消失了。

About 2 a. m., however, the excitement began subside . 不過到了兩點鐘光景,激動的情緒總算安靜下來了。

Her eyes were moist, her voice was jagged with excitement . 她眼睛淚汪汪的,聲調由于興奮而變得急促。

They forgot the beast in the excitement of exploration . 他們沉浸在探險的興奮之中,把野獸忘記了。

Holmes sat up in his chair with considerable excitement . 福爾摩斯十分興奮地在椅子上挺直了身子。

The going-away party caused quite a bit of excitement . 這外出的一群人著實引起了人們的一番驚動。

It was clumsier; it lacked the excitement of a great metropolis . 它比較粗陋;缺少大都市的激情。

I rang my father up in a state of great excitement . 我懷著一種高度興奮的心情給我父親打了電話。

Our initial atlantic dives were filled with excitement . 我們初次潛入大西洋底時心情十分激動。

There was great excitement among the moorish people at the waterside . 海邊的摩爾人一陣轟動。

On hearing the news , my heart thumped with excitement . 聽到這消息,我興奮得心砰砰地跳。

The excitement was at its maximum . 興奮到極點。

I think i successfully concealed my inner excitement . 我認為我成功地掩飾了內心的激動。

The crowd is mad with excitement ! 群眾激動萬分。

Her small green eyes were bright with excitement . 她那雙綠色的小眼睛閃爍著興奮的光芒。