
excess n.1.過量;過剩。2.超過,超越。3.超過數量。4.過...

excess insurance

Will the world market absorb production in excess of domestic needs at profitable prices ? 世界市場能否以有利的價格吸收入國內需求以外的剩余產量呢?

Since the in-falling material most likely has excess angular momentum, a disk will form . 因為落入的物質大多具有過多的角動量,所以會形成一個氣盤。

In general, excess calcium effects result from the anion with which the element is associated . 通常,鈣素過量是與該元素相聯系的陰離子伴隨產生的。

Excess fluoride produces osteoscherosis, the first signs of which appear in the vertebrae . 過多的氟化物可能產生骨硬化,其第一個征兆出現在脊椎。

The “supersaturation ratio“ is the ratio of the excess vapor density to the saturation value . “過飽和比”是超過飽和值的蒸汽密度與飽和值的比。

The experiment proved nothing because the experimental error was much larger than the excess . 這個實驗無所證明,因為實驗誤差遠大于超出值。

It was a beautiful sight, and yet a sad one, perhaps because of its excess of beauty . 多么美的景色啊!也許是美得過分了,它又顯得那么凄涼!

Do you realize even kropotkin was so repelled by the anarchist excesses . 你可知道連克魯泡特金都對無政府主義者的過激手段十分反感嗎?

Fortunately, i have a comfortable excess productive capacity for my digestive juices . 幸運的是,我擁有輕松地生產過剩消化液的能力。

Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness . 樂觀是良好的品德,但如過分樂觀就成為愚蠢。

The excess volume of blood to be handled by the heart may stem from diverse causes . 須心臟處理的額外血容量,可由于多種原因產生。

The excess of inflow over outflow goes into storage in the control box in two ways . 流入超過流出的質量以兩種形式貯存在控制體中。

The condensation was carried out with an excess of glycol or of dicarboxylic acid . 聚縮反應是在二元醇或是在元羧酸過量下進行的。

There have been few reported cases of excess or toxicity from potassium applications . 施鉀過量或施鉀毒害的情況過去報道的不多。

With controlled pace and sequence of construction, excess heat disperses . 在對施工進度和程序加以控制之后,多余的熱量就能散掉。

The hump-backed man stared, as if in excess of amazement and indignation . 這位駝背人瞪出一雙眼睛,象是驚愕和氣憤過了頭。

Our very success has meant continued problems with excess resources . 我們的巨大成功還意味著資源過剩問題持續存在下去。

For ranges in excess of about 800m some target magnification is required . 在射程超過800米以上時,某些目標需要放大。

An excess of investment over saving means rising prices, and vice versa . 投資超過儲蓄就意味著價格的上升,反之亦然。