
exceptional adj.1.例外的,特別的。2.格外的,異常的,稀有的,...


Animal skins non - domesticated articles of exceptional value e . g 動物毛皮非馴養動物皮

Block , deal with exceptional circumstances in a 塊中的異常情況,以及釋放

Under exceptional conditions , the method might fail 在異常情況下,該方法可能會失敗。

An exceptional study of hanshu with ying shao ' s annotation 應劭注訓詁研究

Under exceptional conditions the method might fail 在異常情況下,該方法可能會失敗。

Proved that you have exceptional navigational skills 證明你的飛行技術不凡

This warm weather is exceptional for january 這樣溫暖的天氣在一月很少見。

And that is exceptional for austrian standards 就奧地利的標準而言是還可以

Lastly , throw exceptions for exceptional cases only 最后,僅針對異常情況引發異常。

Exceptional conditions are always arising in programs 異常的情形總是在程序中出現。

Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement 名聲,威信對杰出成就所作的稱贊或頌揚

Karen has done an exceptional job with her pages 卡倫為做好她的網頁做了很多工作。

The young surgeon showed exceptional competence 這位年輕的醫生表現了非凡的能力。

The - the point is , you ' re in exceptional health 關鍵是,作為一個還有兩天就滿40的人

Passion makes people go on to do exceptional things 熱情讓人們去做一些特別的事情

They have been designed with exceptional safety margins 叉車擁有極高的安全系數。

Exceptional function of a general random taylor series 一般隨機泰勒級數的例外函數

Ricardo is an exceptional guy and a great player 里卡多是一個非常優秀的球員。

Use of bonuses limited to exceptional circumstances 只在極例外的情況下才發放花紅