
exception n.1.例外;除外,除去。2.【法律】抗告;異議,不服,...


The process is necessarily conducted case by case rather than by writing a code with rules and exceptions . 這個過程必然要一項一項地進行,而不是靠編寫一部包括各種規章條例和各種例外的法典。

Presumably both the very small size and activating influence of fluorine atoms contribute to this exception . 這大概是由于氟原子半徑小和活性高這兩個原因的影響,氟原子對這種例外做出了貢獻。

The exception to this is the lifetime appointment by the president of justices of the supreme court and other federal judges . 總統委任的最高法院大法官及其他聯邦法官是終身任職,不在此限。

With rare exceptions such as a pure quartz sandstone, every rock contains detectable amounts of abundant metals . 除了象純石英砂巖等少數例外,每種巖石都含有若干可檢出的富有金屬。

With the exception of sam-the only one celia had met previously-the others regarded her with frank curiosity . 除了薩姆,別人西莉亞以前都沒見過。這些人看著西利亞,顯然感到蹊蹺。

Though the primary wall is generally considered to be the outgrowth of a single cell, there may be exceptions . 雖然一般認為初生層是一個單細胞延伸而成的,但可能也有些例外。

The outflow of steam from one well can be more than 100 tons per hour, but such wells are exceptions . 一口井的蒸汽流量能超過100噸小時,但這種井是一種例外。

Claude dessard was not fond of americans, but in this case he was delighted to make an exception . 克勞德迪薩歷來不喜歡美國人,但是這次他卻非常高興地破例。

It is more important that the explanation should be clear than that it should cover every possible exception . 說明清楚明白,比羅列各種可能的例外更為重要。

An important exception to this system of nomenclature is leukemia, or cancer of the white blood cells . 這個命名系統的一個重要例外是白血病,或白血細胞癌。

There was a good deal of truth in this when he wrote. herzog is a triumphant exception . 說這話時,是大有道理的,但《赫爾索格》現在可說是一個輝煌的例外。

With the exception of gold, the surfaces of metals are never observed but only their oxides . 除金之外,從來看不到金屬的表面而僅能看到它們的氧化物。

All his family have red hair except him . he is the exception which proves the rule . 他們全家除他以外頭發都是紅的。正所謂有例外才證明有規律嘛。

Neither is it necessary, for the purpose in hand, that exceptions should not exist . 就我們當前的目的而言,也沒有必要排斥例外的存在。

The whole family, with the exception of his uncle, consider clyde beneath them socially . 除了他叔叔以外,一家人都瞧不起克萊德。

She made a very average looking shop-girl with the exception of her features . 她打扮成一個極其普通的女店員,但容貌卻不同尋常。

The other places were all filled with the exception of the one opposite him . 其余的地方都已坐滿,只有他對面的一個地方還空著。

Eban took vigorous exception to the very concept of four-power and two-power talks . 埃班極力反對舉行任何四國會議或兩國會談。

Until today germanium is the present substance on earth with no exception . 直至今天鍺才毫無異議地成為地球上是純凈的物質。