
excellence n.1.優越,優秀,杰出,卓越;〔pl.〕 優點,長處。...


Strive for personal and professional excellence 在個人及專業修養上力求至善

Theory and practice ; excellence and success 學理與實用并重;追求卓越和成功

The proof of mediocrity is the resentment toward excellence 仇視卓越就證明了平庸。

- to uphold our standard of excellence . - shit -還有保障我們的優越服務-媽的

The 7th it excellence awards the 6th it excellence awards 第七屆資訊科技卓越成就獎

2000 it excellence awards presentation ceremony 香港資訊科技卓越成就頒獎典禮

Their culture and language discourage excellence 他們的文化和語言不鼓勵出類拔萃。

It excellence awards 2002 it excellence awards 2001 第六屆資訊科技卓越成就獎

Quality concept excellence , the pursuit of excellence 質量理念:精益求精,追求卓越

We all praised the excellence of her cooking 我們都稱贊了她烹飪技術的高超。

I didn ' t realize that by demanding excellence 我以前沒有認識到,為了追求卓越

Strategic area 1 - enhancing academic excellence 策略范疇一提升學術力求卓越

Workshop : strategies for achieving academic excellence 工作坊:提高學業成績的策略

Excellence is not absolute but dynamic 先進是以人為本,實事求是,不斷創新。

Professionalism - unparalleled corporate excellence 專業精神-企業質素無與倫比

The goal of excellence innovational way for a great university 一流大學的創新路徑

The faculties of this school are very excellence 這個學校的教職工是很出色的

Works of excellence certificate , for 100 people 優秀獎: 100名,頒發獲獎證書。

Excellence , then , is not an act , but a habit 因此,卓越不是一種行動,而是一種習慣。