
excalibur n.(傳說中)英國國王亞瑟王的神劍。


You can visit casinos such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time . buffet dinner and show for 2 10 05 departure only . night sightseeing tour in las vegas is optional 本日隨團參觀拉斯維加斯最具特色的各巨型賭場, venetian酒店水上威尼斯及自然天空名貴壁畫bellagio酒店花街大廳凱撒宮商品名店街rio酒店免費表演秀可口可樂及m m巧克力專賣店flamingo hilton美麗花園各色各樣的奇花異草及天鵝

After lunch , tour at las vegas boulevard to see the beautiful decorative hotels and casinos , such as mirage , mgm , grand , caesars palace , excalibur , new york - new york , monte carlo , bellagio , venetian , aladdin , paris and 2005 brand new hotel “ wynn “ etc . your coach will proceed through the state of arizona and past virgin river canyon to arrive at st . george in the evening 早上出發,沿著圣伯那丁諾森林,進入莫哈比大沙漠,翠綠的約書亞樹,點綴在一望無邊的黃沙中,別有一番情趣。下午在賭城小試身手。隨后由內華達州,進入印第安人最多的亞利桑那州,穿越氣勢萬千的處女峽谷virgin river canyon 。

Las vegas boulevard to see the beautiful decorative hotels and casinos , such as mirage , mgm grand , caesars palace , excalibur , new york - new york , monte carlo , bellagio , venetian , aladdin , paris and 2005 brand new hotel “ wynn “ etc . tonight you may enjoy a famous show or join a night tour to see las vegas night live 紐約紐約蒙地卡羅百樂宮威尼斯阿拉丁神宮巴黎鐵塔及2005全新開幕的摩登大酒店wynn等等,都在我們巡禮之中,傍晚您可自費觀賞精彩的歌舞表演或自費參加拉斯維加斯夜游一探全世界最美麗的夜色之都,夜宿拉斯維加斯。

[ enstr ] = “ the effect of putting the restored excalibur into the stone dais was feeble and incomplete , but it proved that these are no mere bits of carved stone and forged iron “將拼合好的王者之劍插入石祭臺的效果微弱且不完全,但它起碼可以證明這些東西絕不僅僅只是些刻著花紋的石頭和鑄出形狀的鐵塊。

= ” the effect of putting the restored excalibur into the stone dais was feeble and incomplete , but it proved that these are no mere bits of carved stone and forged iron 將拼合好的王者之劍插入石祭臺的效果微弱且不完全,但它起碼可以證明這些東西絕不僅僅只是些刻著花紋的石頭和鑄出形狀的鐵塊。

[ enstr ] = ” the key to restoring excalibur is also the relic my mother prized most , innocently given to her by my father in ghana to replace the pendant she lost there 拼合王者之劍的鑰匙,同時也是我母親最為珍視的紀念物,那個我父親從加納帶回來送給她的墜子,被她遺落在了那里。

You can visit casinos such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 繼往公園內的各參觀景點,欣賞美麗的紅巖風光,體力好的游客,還可以走上登山小徑,活動筋骨,享受大自然的神奇美景。

= ” the key to restoring excalibur is also the relic my mother prized most , innocently given to her by my father in ghana to replace the pendant she lost there 拼合王者之劍的鑰匙,同時也是我母親最為珍視的紀念物,那個我父親從加納帶回來送給她的墜子,被她遺落在了那里。

But i sat silent in my hill , the barbarians still came in their thousands , and there were few who dared to wield excalibur , knowing that they would surely die 靜靜地坐在我的山上,看著野蠻人成群結隊地攻過來。可是自從知道持劍者必死無疑,已經沒人敢碰埃克斯卡利伯劍。

P lease sit down and enjoy irresistible excalibur . direct vent fireplace is the perfect combination of fashion and quality , is now the highest quality products 坐下來享受著難以抗拒的excalibur吧。直排風壁爐是時尚與高質量的完美結合,是現今追求的最高品質產品。

As strange as a castle may look between the new york skyline and an egyptian pyramid , the excalibur seems comfortable with its surroundings 盡管乍見一座城堡矗立于紐約景致和埃及金字塔中間會令人感到突兀,但是石中劍大飯店卻似乎與它周圍的環境十分協調。

There were more children here than at other hotels because they loved the castle theme of excalibur , which offers a lot of 36 ) diversions for them 這里的孩子比其它飯店更多,因為孩子們都喜歡石中劍大飯店的主題,這里能為他們提供更多的娛樂項目。

Nos such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 巨型賭場內一試運氣,并欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景,猶如天上人間,更可觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演。

Such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 巨型賭場內一試運氣,并欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景,猶如天上人間,更可觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演。

I am king , and this is excalibur , sword of kings from the draw of the time . who are you , what do you seek (我就是王,這個,就是必勝黃金之劍,國王從時間之流中獲得的劍,你是誰,你在找什么? )

One advanced version is the excalibur , already being tested , which boosts the x ray produced by a nuclear explosion “魔劍”是一種已經進行了試驗的先進武器,它增強由核爆炸產生的x射線。

Furnace slate , brick or cobble can be used to decorate the excalibur ' s appearance , and become the focal point 爐膛石板、瓷磚、磚面或鵝卵石都可以點綴excalibur外觀并成為家中的擺設焦點。

Now the pieces of his legendary sword excalibur are in my hands , and yet my quest is far from over 現在他傳說中的王者之劍的碎片已全部在我手中,然而我的探求之路卻還遠未結束。 ”

In the morning , we will continue the tour in las vegas and depart for los angeles at noon 上午由導游親自帶隊前往參觀神劍excalibur金字塔luxor以及世界上房間最多的酒店。