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examining judge 預審法官。


The current public prosecution mode in our country took shape from the past whole case - examine mode in the base of the thinking to get ride of the drawbacks in the past . in practice , it has not only become effective and cause out a lot of new defaults , for example , the definition of the main evidence is not clear , the transfer range of the case files is unclear and the stipulate of the examine consequence is not enough . in order to reform and perfect the current public prosecution mode , we should regard the theory of the public prosecution as guide , combine our country ' s conditions , on methodology jump out of the circle relatively drawing lessons from the past , on the procedural theory , change the idea that the forejudge caused from the substantive examination and clarify the objective fact the current public prosecution include the essential substantive examination , in practice regard legitimacy , rationality and flexibility as the principle of law enforcement before the law to revise , in legislation define the concept of the main evidence clearly , add the regulation to dispatch the examine judge and the trial judge , regulate the treatment methods after examination and revise some rules about the summary procedure 以公訴審查制度的訴訟理念為指導,結合我國的國情,對現行公訴審查模式的改革和完善,在方法論上跳出以往比較借鑒的圈子;在訴訟理念上改變過去庭審法官預斷必然緣于實體性審查的觀念,以澄清現行公訴審查模式包括必要的實體審的客觀事實;在實踐中以合法性、合理性和靈活性作為立法修改前的執法原則;在立法上明確界定主要證據的范圍是對證明犯罪是否成立起主要作用或有重要影響的證據,其中既包括有罪證據也包括無罪證據,增加規定公訴審查法官與正式庭審法官分立制度,補充規定對公訴審查后開庭審理之外的其它情況的處理方法以及對于人民法院在審理過程中發現不宜適用簡易程序的,取消原刑訴法應當按照一般公訴案件適用的普通審判程序重新審理的規定,改為由審理該案件的獨任審判員以外的審判員重新組成合議庭對該案件進行重新審理等。