
examinee n.參加考試的人;受審查的人。


Have a person to know university of heibei science and technology , artistic kind of examinee , culture control line ? thank . i am artistic examinee 那到底是要達到藝術類專業文化控制線的一本線還是二本線?還是只要達到出省的文化控制線?你也是河北的嗎?

Article 12 examinees who pass the examination for the qualifications of doctors shall be awarded the qualifications of medical practitioners or assistant medical practitioners 第十二條醫師資格考試成績合格,取得執業醫師資格或者執業助理醫師資格。

It is recruit students of combination of a few universities , unite examination paper , the line on examinee can combine the choice in the school to adjust in these a few 就是幾所大學聯合招生,統一試卷,考生上線可以在這幾所聯合院校中選擇調劑。

And the precondition is to know about the psychological status of examinee using doping . therefore , by the main methods of investigation , analyzed it 為此,本研究主要通過問卷調查的方法,量化分析了體育高考生使用興奮劑的心理情況。

From items , test and ability of examinees , the application of information function in the criterion - referenced test has been disscussed in this paper 摘要主要從項目、測驗、被試能力三方面來探討信息函數在標準參照測驗中的應用。

Rise this provincial examinee to cannot enter oneself for an examination only , is that is to say being saved originally only read a specialized subject is ability ok 專升本外省考生不能報考,是不是就是說只有在本省讀專科才可以

The sponsor of the test will mail the chinese proficiency certificates as well as the test reports to test centers or the examinees within two months 漢語水平證書及成績單兩個月內由考試主辦單位寄往各考點承辦單位或考生本人。

The exam begins with the presentation of a clinical problem in the form of a patient case scenario with a request to the examinee to manage the case 考試在一個病例概述中出現的一個臨床問題開始,要求應考者來處理這一問題。

Once we identify the corresponding body code , we analyze the normal abnormal code to obtain information on any illness the examinee may have 在查出你的身體數碼之后,我們接著要分析正常碼和異常碼,以便找出你的疾病資料。

I am examinee of shandong science department , mark of the university entrance exam 576 , exceed a line 3 minutes , excuse me volunteer how should sign up for 我是山東理科考生,高考分數576 ,超過一本線3分,請問志愿該怎么報

4 . the cognition of the examinee of city , male and shandong is worse . all examinee show a tendency to use doping 城市考生、男生、山東考生的認知水平相對較差,普通術科、高水平考生都具有較高的使用興奮劑的傾向。

Examinees are nervous and anxious and express themselves abnormally during a putonghua proficiency test , which is a common phenomenon 摘要在普通話水平測試中應試者的心理緊張、焦慮,表達失常是最普遍的問題。

I am the examinee of gansu province , excuse me freehand what content to take an examination of commonly ? what tool does need take ? thank 我是甘肅的考生,請問徒手畫一般考什么內容?需要帶什么工具?謝謝!

An ecological understanding of quot; a harmonious society quot; : investigation jiangsu examinees ' english writing presentation in the 2005 entrance examination 對江蘇05年高考英語作文試卷的抽樣調查

If unite arrangement inconvenient , by former newspaper ministry of examinee place civil administration is in charge of arranging the job 若統一安排有困難的,由原報考生原地民政部負責安排工作。

During the coming of university entrance examination , parents of examinees are working on alleviate their children ' s mental burden 高考來臨之際,考生家長們都在盡力減輕孩子們的精神負擔。

When she had read through a page of examinee ' s answers she placed it carefully face downwards on a separate pile 她每看完一頁考生答卷,就認真地將該頁正面朝下地放在一邊,依次疊好。

Area forecast is more attention by examinees and their parents paid , especially during the college entrance examination 尤其在高考期間,考生和他們的家長更關心當地的天氣預報。

The supervision and inspection may not affect the normal production and business operation activities of the examinee entities 監督檢查不得影響被檢查單位的正常生產經營活動。