
examinatorial adj.1.檢查的,審查的;考試的。2.主考人的。


According to reality situation hi bank of china mudanjiang branch , the author goes step further to detail and perfect the alrm ' s index within the rule of the central bank and bank of china head office . from secondary banks point of view , the author applies system theory , cybernetics and linear programming theory to establish a set of the index system of the alrm of bank of china mudanjiang branch . the author refers to strengthen and perfect the internal control institution and preventative measure of risk and establish alrm ' s integrated evaluation model and examinatorial method 論文從二級分行的角度,應用系統理論、控制論和線性規劃理論,建立了一套適合中國銀行牡丹江市分行資產負債比例管理的指標體系,提出了加強和完善中國銀行牡丹江市分行資產負債比例管理的內部監控制度和風險防范措施,建立了該行資產負債比例管理綜合評價模型及考核辦法,并對其組織機構的設計及指標的管理提出了相應建議,初步形成了一套資產負債比例管理的組織、指標管理和評價考核體系,從而使中國銀行牡丹江市分行能夠更好的管理本行的資產和負債,創造更大的效益,增強其競爭能力。

The examinatorial specification of variable speed fluid couplings for coal mining 煤礦用調速型液力偶合器檢驗規范