
exactly adv.1.確切地,精確地,恰好。2.十分。3.=yes...


Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width . 裙子每條皺折的寬度應該完全一樣。

Clearly each plane graph has exactly one unbounded face . 顯然,每個平面圖都有一個無界面。

What exactly is the obstacle ? 到底障礙在哪里?

It harmonizes with you exactly . 這同你真相稱。

Your answer is exactly right . 你回答得完全正確。

Exactly where these points are chosen is arbitrary . 這些點具體選在哪里,可由我們自定。

He never moved a thing without replacing it exactly . 他挪動過的東西總是要放還原地的。

Few people knew exactly what the rebels planned to do . 沒有人知道叛軍究竟打算干什么。

That is exactly what i expected . 那正是我想往的。

She was not exactly a tomboy . 她當然不是個野小子。

And yet in her heart this was exactly what she most wished . 其實,這正是她最希望的。

Those are not exactly the same . 那些并不完全一樣。

She told me the whole story exactly as it happened . 她把發生的事原原本本地告訴了我。

I told them the whole story exactly as it happened . 我把這件事原原本本講給他們聽了。

He knew exactly why austin had switched sides . 他完全明白奧斯汀突然倒戈轉向的奧秘。

That's exactly what i keep saying to myself every day . 這正是我每天不斷對自己說的。

What i want is exactly this one . 我要的就是這一個。

Do exactly as i tell you . 要不折不扣地按我說的去做。

He believed to the end exactly the same things he started with . 他的信仰始終如一。