
evident adj.明白的,明顯的。 with evident pr...


The character of a state of stress becomes more evident when we consider the deformations or strains produced . 如若考慮一下所產生的變形或應變,則應力狀態的特性便變得更明顯了。

Storm clouds had been evident since the spring and particularly in may, five months before the war . 從去年春天,特別是從五月份--戰爭前五個月--開始,動亂的風云已日益明顯。

Practical reasons for wanting focus a diverging wave to a point will become evident as we proceed . 至于想把一個發散波聚焦到一個點的實際原因,我們討論下去就會很明白。

It was evident that mary crawfird's wishes, though politely kept back, inclined the same way as the latter . 顯然瑪麗克勞福特出于禮貌,不表己見,但想法與后者一致。

Bertha thought it disconcerted him by rendering evident even to himself the vacuity of his mind . 伯莎認為這對他不利,這種情況甚至清楚地向他自己證明了他心靈的空虛。

It was evident of them that a certain sequence existed in the series of inventions and discoveries . 他們很清楚地知道,在一系列發明和發現之中存在著一種先后關系。

The response to these interests is evident in the writings of pacioli, tartaglia, and others . 許多人的著作都反映了這些需要,其中包括Pacioli,Tartaglia的作品。

I suppose this resemblance disarmed mr. heathcilff: he walked to the hearth in evident agitation . 我猜想這種相象使希刺克厲夫緩和了:他顯然很激動地走到爐邊。

It is evident that ductility is a desirable property of structural materials required to resist blast . 顯然,為要抵抗爆震,結構材料的延性是一個重要的條件。

The point became grimly evident with the outbreak of the korean war a few weeks later . 幾星期以后,由于朝鮮戰爭的爆發,這種觀點無情地顯示了自己的正確性。

Soon after, there will be no way to keep either of the vietnamese parties from making the stalemate evident . 很快我們就會無法阻止越南兩方把僵局公布于眾。

It is evident that a big kettle containing boiling water will give out more heat than a smaller one . 清楚的是,盛有開水的大水壺要比小水壺放出的熱量多。

It was evident that kennedy was suffering; fever was getting the better of his vigorous constitution . 肯尼迪看樣子很難受,熱病在折磨著他強壯的身體。

Swelling and porosity of the propellant mixture became evident after 6 days at ambient temperature . 在室溫下放置6天后,推進劑混合物呈現膨脹和氣孔。

These civic advances came at a price already beginning to be evident before the civil war . 這些市政進步的代價,在南北戰爭之前就已經漸漸很明顯了。

This is evident from the spherical model when the two points are diametrically opposite . 在球面模型中當兩個點在直徑相對兩端時這是很明顯的。

It was evident that he struggled with his own images, and knew not the real from the unreal . 顯然他是在和自己的幻覺掙扎,分不清是真是假。

If he is the administrator of a company, it is perhaps less directly evident . 如果他是一個公司的管理人,事情或許不是那么明顯。

It is evident that they suffered a sizable economic loss as a result of the war . 顯然,他們由于戰爭遭受到相當大的經濟損失。