
eviction n.1.(租地、租房等的)收回。2.(租戶等的)驅逐,趕...


In a report tuesday , the geneva - based center on housing rights and evictions ( cohre ) says displacements in seoul , barcelona , atlanta , sydney , athens , beijing and london have disproportionately affected minorities , the poor , and the homeless 總部設在日內瓦的“住房權利與強迫拆遷中心” ( cohre )星期二發表一份報告說,在首爾、巴塞羅納、亞特蘭大、悉尼、雅典、北京以及倫敦的搬遷,不合比例地影響了少數民族、窮人以及無家可歸者。

In a report tuesday , the geneva - based center on housing rights and evictions cohre says displacements in seoul , barcelona , atlanta , sydney , athens , beijing and london have disproportionately affected minorities , the poor , and the homeless 總部設在日內瓦的“住房權利與強迫拆遷中心” cohre星期二發表一份報告說,在首爾巴塞羅納亞特蘭大悉尼雅典北京以及倫敦的搬遷,不合比例地影響了少數民族窮人以及無家可歸者。

All of which smacked of the courtesan too early deserted by her first serious protector and fallen back on shabby lovers , of a precarious first appearance of a bad start , handicapped by refusals of credit and threats of eviction 這令人聯想到她早就被第一個正經丈夫拋棄了,后來又落到一些行為不端的情人手中。可謂旗開失利,第一次下海就遭失敗,告貸無門,又受到被人趕出住宅的威脅。

Berlin ( reuters ) - a seven - member family faces eviction from an east berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night , a german newspaper said thursday 德國《圖片報》周四( 8月17日)報道說,在東柏林的一座公寓里,一家7口正面臨著被趕出戶的遭遇,因為鄰居抱怨他們夜間大聲祈禱的聲音擾得整棟樓的居民都睡不著。

Berlin reuters - a seven - member family faces eviction from an east berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night , a german newspaper said thursday 德國圖片報周四8月17日報道說,在東柏林的一座公寓里,一家7口正面臨著被趕出戶的遭遇,因為鄰居抱怨他們夜間大聲祈禱的聲音擾得整棟樓的居民都睡不著。

The head of the group says organizers can , and should , stage major events such as the olympics without evictions , criminalizing homelessness , or making housing unaffordable for people living nearby “住房權利與強迫拆遷中心”的負責人說,組織者在舉辦像奧運會這樣的重大活動時,能夠而且應該避免強迫拆遷把無家可歸視為犯罪,或使附近居民無法承受住房費用。

The head of the group says organizers can , and should , stage major events such as the olympics without evictions , criminalizing homelessness , or making housing unaffordable for people living nearby “住房權利與強迫拆遷中心”的負責人說,組織者在舉辦像奧運會這樣的重大活動時,能夠而且應該避免強迫拆遷、把無家可歸視為犯罪,或使附近居民無法承受住房費用。

Cases where a forced eviction takes place as a result of a house or a private tenement being rendered uninhabitable by a natural occurrence may qualify for assistance provided that compensation has not been provided by the landlord 如房屋或私人樓宇受天災損毀,不適宜繼續居住,以致受害人必須遷出,而業主又沒有給予賠償,受害人才符合資格接受援助。

Shanghai has responded with measures to quell property speculation by restricting pre - sales of apartments , raising developers ' equity in projects , reducing land supply and stopping wholesale evictions 為打擊房地產投機,上海采取了一系列應對措施,其中包括限制期房銷售,提高開發商投入項目的股本份額要求,減少土地供應,以及禁止大規模強令拆遷等。

He is fighting an eviction order in court . neighbors told bild the screams and singing that are part of the family prayers in the second storey sometimes begin at 2 : 30 a . m . and can be heard all the way up to the fifth floor 鄰居們表示,這戶住在2樓的家庭有時會在凌晨兩點開始祈禱,發出尖叫聲和歌唱聲,而居住在15樓的住戶都能聽到他們的聲音。

Despite an eviction order , offers of compensation and the chasm that has opened up around his home , the 51 - year - old restaurateur is holding his ground in an increasingly high - profile challenge to the authorities (無視驅逐令,補償金和環繞著家開挖的深坑,這個51歲的餐館老板正在日益增長的對權力的挑戰中堅守他的地產。 )

Petitioner issues were increasingly considered suspect by the government , and petitioner leader ye guozhu was arrested in august while seeking permission to hold a 10 , 000 - person rally against forced eviction 請愿者的提議遭到政府的懷疑,當要求舉行萬人對被迫逐出的請愿集會的同時,請愿的領導者葉國柱在八月被捕。

Soft references , like weak references , can help applications prevent object loitering by enlisting the aid of the garbage collector in making cache eviction decisions 與弱引用一樣,軟引用通過利用垃圾收集器在作出緩存回收決策方面的幫助,有助于防止應用程序出現對象游離。

But now lawyers acting for 300 people fighting eviction argue that the city must provide alternative accommodation , preferably in the same area 但現在有律師為300人代理,反對驅逐行為,要求城市必須提供替代住所,而且最好是在同一地區。

The report calls beijing ' s evictions a flagrant violation of people ' s right to adequate housing 這個報告稱北京強迫拆遷公然違犯民眾擁有適當住房的權力。

Eviction of trespasser 驅逐侵入者

Notice of eviction 收回房舍通知書

There have been a lot of evictions in this district recently 本區近來已經發生多起驅逐房客的事件

He is fighting an eviction order in court 他正通過法庭對驅逐令表示反對。