
everyway adv.1.不管從哪方面來看;全然。2.各式各樣的方法。...


Just surrender solely into him , completely in everyway , o arjuna ; by his grace you will receive transcendental peace and the eternal abode 用所有的方式,全然地,獨一無二地皈依于“他”吧,阿諸那啊。由于“他”的恩賜,你就會得到超然的靜寂而到達永恒的寓所。

The sith and the jedi are similar in almost everyway . . 西斯和絕地武士在幾乎所有方面都相似

I tried in everyway that i knew how to find out 我用盡各種方法想找到

The sith and the jedi are similar in almost everyway 西斯和絕地武士在幾乎所有方面都相似

I tried in everyway that i knew how to find out . . 我用盡各種方法想找到

They tried everyway to find the information 他們用各種方法試圖找到資料。

This candidate is everyway better than that one ... 這個候選人比那個更好。

They tried everyway to find the solution . 他們想盡辦法來解決問題。