
every adj.1.所有的,一切的。2.無論哪個…都,凡…無不。...


A good dancer must practice every day . 一個好的舞蹈演員必須天天練習。

Every blade, every twig was still . 每一片草葉,每一根細枝都紋絲不動。

She is outdoors gardening every afternoon . 她每天下午都在戶外搞園藝。

Every viewer has his personal rainbow . 每一個觀察者各自看到不同的虹。

Every woman is willing to carry her child . 女人個個都樂意生小孩。

Does she have to stay at home every night ? 她每天晚上都得待在家里嗎?

They were watching her every movement . 他們注視著她的每一個動作。

Every thing had become so dear to her . 一切對她來說都是那么親切。

Every sentence has a canonical derivation . 每個句子都有一個規范推導。

Every man carried in his heart the terror . 每個人心中都帶著一種恐懼。

Every corner of the ship was thronged . 船上每個角落都是人頭攢動。

He seemed to query every damn comma . 他簡直對每一個逗點都不輕易放過。

He looked at every soul in the congregation . 他望著會場上的每一個人。

Buses to oxford run every half hour . 去牛津的公共汽車每半小時開一班。

He sets at naught every convention of society . 他輕視所有的社會習俗。

Every nucleus lives in splendid isolation . 原子核處于極佳的隔離狀態。

I have a pain in every blamed joint . 每一個討厭的關節都有點兒痛。

Every word he said hit the nail on the head . 他說的真是頭頭是道。

They deserved every cent they made . 他們所掙的每一分錢都是應得的。