
evangel n.1.〔古語〕基督救世的福音。2.〔E-〕【圣經】四福...


Obtaining the advanced technologies and capital support from headquarters in the united states of america , donger plans to go pubic in american stock market taking the advantages of manufacturing operation and financial operation . furthermore , the sales network and professional marketing team brings our consumers not only quality products and services , but also the new concept of health . donger holds the notion of “ repaying the society “ . with the expanding charitable activities and more market shares , donger will deliver evangels of health and happiness to more families 回報社會是東格爾生產經營的最高目標,隨著東格爾慈善會業務范圍的不斷擴大,遍及全國各地并出口東南亞和美國市場的東格爾產品,以及“容容融榮”的東格爾企業文化,猶如東格爾福音,把健康和幸福傳遍千萬家。

For who is there who anything of some significance has apprehended but is conscious that that exterior splendour may be the surface of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the contrary anyone so is there inilluminated as not to perceive that as no nature s boon can contend against the bounty of increase so it behoves every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his semblables and to tremble lest what had in the past been by the nation excellently commenced might be in the future not with similar excellence accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that one was audacious excessively who would have the hardihood to rise affirming that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution s menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined 且不論何等蠢人亦應省悟:大自然賜予之所有恩惠,均無法與繁殖之恩惠相比擬,故一切正直之市民皆須對同胞勸誡忠告,并為之焦慮,惟恐本民族過去所開創之輝煌業績,日后不能發揚光大也。倘因風俗之愚昧,對世代相傳之光榮習慣加以輕視,否定其深遠意義,從而對有關分娩作用之崇高要義等閑視之,豈不令人深惡痛絕哉!蓋此要義系天主所做繁殖之預言4及對減少繁衍之警告,并命令全人類遵照行事,使之做出承諾。

Mrs chan was committed to various educational and charitable organisations , being , for example , council member of evangel seminary , board member of evangel childrens home , board member and lately chairperson of the hong kong cultural exchange service centre , chairperson of alison lam foundation , etc . for years she has been zealous for quality education work and shown much generosity by donating to various primary , secondary schools , hospitals , childcare centres , youth centres , elderly centres etc . she also supported education for orphans and the poor , etc in the mainland , in hopes of helping underprivileged mainlanders become independent and capable of contributing to the society 此外,陳女士亦為多所教育及慈善機構參與承擔。計有:播道神學院校董會成員播道會兒童之家董事會成員文化交流服務中心董事會成員,近年更任主席愛禮信基金會主席等。多年來陳女士熱衷于素質教育之工作,并慷慨解囊在經濟上支持多間中小學醫院幼兒中心青年及老人中心等又支持國內孤兒教育扶貧教育等,務求孤貧同胞得以健康成長,立足并貢獻社會。

Besides , mrs chan is committed to various educational and charitable organizations , being , board of trustee member of evangel seminary , center for cross cultural service , and chairperson of the alison lam foundation , etc . for years she has shown much generosity by donating to various primary , secondary schools , hospitals , childcare centres , youth centres , elderly centres etc . she also supported education for orphans and the poor , etc in the mainland , in hopes of helping underprivileged mainlanders become independent and capable of contributing to the society 除了以上公職之外,陳太尚擔任播道神學院校董,文化交流服務中心主席,以及愛禮信基金會主席等。多年來,陳太一直在財政上資助本港多間中小學醫院幼兒中心青年中心老人中心等近年又大力資助內地孤兒教育及扶貧教育等工作,為同胞福利出力。

The western region faces the historical opportunity to develop vc , which brings evangel for the medium and small - sized enterprises there . if used approperly , vc can become the new economic increasing point to promote the medium and small - sized enterprises 我國西部地區面臨著發展風險投資的歷史機遇,這給西部地區的中小企業帶來了福音,因為只要運用得當,這種投資將成為促進西部中小企業發展的新經濟增長點。

The populurization of computer bring evangels to many technical persons . computer leads them push their way ' s in the extensive book ' s sea and contain teaching in the entertainment 計算機的普及則為廣大技術人員帶來了福音,使技術人員不致于迷失在浩瀚的書海中,并且寓教于樂,簡單明了。

Part iv : disstating the historical opportunities of the development of vc in western region . these opportunies bring evangel for the medium and small - sized enterprises there 第4章論述了西部地區發展風險投資的歷史機遇,它給西部地區的中小企業帶來了福音。

While a lecturer at the evangel seminary , she was devoted to teaching and translating religious texts , winning acclaim for her work 她曾于播道神學院任講師,醉心教學及翻譯宗教書籍之工作,取得卓越成就。

Really not bad design and technic . it ' s the evangel of long dao without fittings 很不錯的設計與工藝,是沒了刀裝長刀們的福音

This not only is evangel to mankind , but also is great for our nation and people 這不啻是人類的福音,更是吾國吾民之幸。

To preach this evangel 去傳講這個福音

Evangelical free church of china - evangel children s home 中國基督教播道會播道兒童之家