
eutrophic adj.1.富營養的〔湖泊等有充足養料可供藻類生長〕。2...

eutrophic lack

Ws6 , the limiting nutrients of a eutrophic water sample and a drinking water sample were monitored . the results corresponded well to those from traditional algal growth potential ( agp ) test and the bacterial regrowth potential ( brp ) test , suggesting that the nfbgp test is a useful method for evaluating environmental quality Ws6 ,對富營養水體樣本和自來水樣本進行了限制性營養因子的監測,結果與傳統的藻類生長潛力試驗( agp )和細菌再生潛力試驗( b即)相符,說明“固氮細菌生長潛力試驗”是評價環境質徽的一種有用的方法。

The enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay ( elisa ) and high performance liquid chro - matography ( hplc ) analysis for detection of mc were optimized . the removal rates of mc by conventional water treatment processes were investigated through the laboratory study and the detection of mc in every process in meiyuan drinking water treatment plant . results showed that the prechlorination of eutrophic water led to the release of intracellular toxins to water phase 本文完善了mc的elisa和hplc分析方法,通過模擬試驗及水廠實測調查了富營養化太湖水中mc在常規凈水工藝中的去除特性,結果表明預氯化使藻細胞內的mc釋放出來,混凝沉淀對細胞外mc無去除作用,砂濾可去除17 . 2 40 . 4的細胞外mc和19 . 0 36 . 6的總mc ,加氯消毒對細胞外mc和總mc的去除率分別為30 45 . 3和30 51 . 7 。

Qiandaohu lake was very famous for its clean water quality . but in recent years the water body has become seriously eutrophic especially during summer months in some areas of the lake and came to the attention of national , provincial and city environment protection agency . the main objective of this study involved the following : sampling and monitoring water from the lake ; water quality assessment and biological assessment ; ascertain the limiting factors for phytoplankton growth ; fuzzy cluster analyse of water pollution of all sampling points ; predicting total phosphorus concentration in the lake by using static models ; setting up regression models and their application ; setting up an eco - dynamic model and its simulation 本研究根據1998 - 2000年連續監測數據,對千島湖進行了水質評價和生物評價;分析了千島湖水體富營養化的限制性因子;同時根據千島湖各個取樣點的污染狀況,對千島湖進行水環境質量區劃;利用前人的經驗統計模型預測了千島湖現有的磷濃度水平及治理所需要削減的污染物負荷量;并且組建了多個回歸統計模型,運用這些模型預測千島湖水體中的總磷濃度;最后根據多年水質、底質、生物等方面的監測數據以及千島湖流域的氣象和社會經濟狀況的資料組建機理性的千島湖富營養化模擬模型。

A strain of bloom cyanobacterium ( blue - green alga ) , microcystis aeruginosa , which dominated in an eutrophic pond , was isolated and purified for physiological study in laboratory conditions . various environment factors , like light , temperature , nutrient , cu2 + , ect were tested for growth and lexicological effects of m . aeruginosa 在純化培養的基礎上,我們開展了光照、溫度、營養鹽及cu ~ ( 2 + )對該銅綠微囊藻生長及毒理學影響的研究。光照、溫度及營養鹽對銅綠微囊藻生長影響1

Only the water at jiekou had been eutrophic . the result of biological assessment was that the average density of phytoplankton at all the sampling spots was more than 1 , 000 , 000 per litre , indicating that the lake was eutrophic going by the population density . but this density of phytoplankton was higher than that in similar lakes at the same pollution level 生物評價結果認為,千島湖浮游藻類平均密度較同類營養水平的淡水水體高,其所有取樣點浮游藻類平均密度都10 ~ 6個? l ,國內外一般認為當浮游植物平均密度10 ~ 6個? l時,其已經達到富營養化水平,因此單從浮游植物密度來看,可以認為千島湖已達到水體富營養化。

Erlongshan reservoir water quality was evaluated for class and class by monitoring continuously indexes and was unable to meet the requirement of central drinking water source due to higher cod ( subscript mn ) , tn and tp and eutrophic environment 摘要連續監測和分析了二龍山水庫的水質,對水污染程度進行了評價,水庫高錳酸鹽指數、總氮和總磷超標嚴重,呈現富營養化狀態,總體水質為類和類,已無法滿足集中式生活飲用水水源地的水質要求。

The results showed that the trophic lenel of lake taihu was in the transition state , from meso - eutrophic to eutrophic , of which the meso - eutrophic made up about 70 % of the total are . the eutrophic and hyper - eutrophic waters accounted for 10 % or so 結果表明,太湖營養水平處于中富向富營養過渡狀態,中富面積約占全湖面積的70 %以上;夏季富營養及重富營養水域出現在北部湖區的梅梁湖、五里湖和西部沿岸,約占全湖面積的10 % 。

It was widely used in the treatment of black - odors river , eutrophic lake , industrial wastewater and agriculture , maintain lawn in golf course , sterilization and purify in middle water recycle , aquarium and landscape water , aquiculture , natatorium and so on 在黑臭河涌治理、湖泊富營養化治理、工業廢水處理,高爾夫球場草坪養護以及中水回用殺菌凈化、水族、景觀水、水產養殖、泳池的殺菌消毒治理等領域得到廣泛應用。

The water quality state was evaluated with shannon - weaver index and some indicators of periphyton , and results showed that the nutrient type of daoguanhe rerservoir was mesotrophic type , and it had a tendency to develop to the eutrophic type 11 .依據周叢藻類多樣性指數及周叢生物某些指示種類評價該水庫水質狀態,判定為中營養型,并有向富營養級演化的趨勢。

30 % ~ 45 . 3 % of extracellular mc and 30 % ~ 51 . 7 % of total mc were removed by chl orination . cascade biological contact oxidation reactor was more effective and stable for the treatment of eutrophic water than one - step reactor 接近于推流反應器的三階生物接觸氧化反應器對富營養化原水的預處理效果與穩定性優于單階生物接觸氧化反應器。

Today , we mainly engage in the study of the bioremediation technology of black - odors river and eutrophic lake and the equipment in water treatment and air purification field 公司現主要從事城市黑臭河道和富營養湖泊治理技術研究以及水處理產品和空氣凈化產品研發。

Because of the nutrient load both inside and outside , xuanwu lake became a eutrophic lake ; eutrophication is going to be more serious in the f uture 在巨大的營養鹽內外負荷壓力下,玄武湖處于嚴重富營養化狀態,且存在惡化的趨勢。

In the biological pretreatment procedure for eutrophic water , mc were degraded by special bacteria and assimilated by heterotrophic microorganisms 生物預處理工藝中, mc在特定細菌的降解作用及混合微生物的同化作用下被去除。

It indicated the potential purification of lythrum salicaria in eutrophic water , and supported its uses in water scenery design 這也為千屈菜在園林水景中的應用提供了實驗和理論依據。

For one of the eutrophic ponds surveyed , mc - rr and mc - lr presented rising tendency throughout the bloom in the year 其中一個池塘在的水華在全年發生過程中, mc - rr和- lr均呈上升趨勢。

Eutrophic investigation and assessment on backwater reaches of several typical branches of three gorges reservoir at 135m water level 水位蓄水典型次級河流回水段富營養化監測評價

The effect of touring and food supplying in east tangsun lake caused organic pollution and algal eutrophic lake 東湯孫湖的旅游業和飲食業對湖泊的影響主要是有機污染。

The majority of fresh water inland lakes have been or would be eutrophic in europe and north america 歐洲和北美大多數內陸淡水水體都已處于或將處于富營養化。

2 . lythrum salicaria removed p effectively in eutrophic water with different levels of tp concentrations 千屈菜對水體中的總磷( tp )有顯著的去除效果。