
eustacy n.【地質學;地理學】海面升降,海面變化。


The yanchang formation of upper triassic in north shaanxi is major terrigenous clastic system deposited in fluvial - latchstring environment , under the influence of the llocyclicity factor which include indosinian tectonic , eustacy , sedimentary supplies and the autocyclicity factor . in late triassic , north shaanxi was divided into two parts bounded by zhidan - ganquan - yichuan demarcation line 陜北地區上三疊統延長組是以河流一湖泊相為特征的陸源碎屑巖系,當時的陜北地區,以志丹?甘泉?宜川沿線為界,南側以明顯的斜坡向深湖盆地過渡,北部則為一地形平緩的淺水臺地。

The depositional environment of the upper paleozoic in the ordos evoluted from the epicontinental sea to the fluvial - delta . the change of the depositional environment and eustacy controlled the main depositional systems in the research area 上古生界沉積環境演化過程總的是由陸表淺海逐漸變為陸相的河流?三角洲,海平面升降和海水進退控制了區內主要的沉積體系和沉積相類型。

During the upper paleozoic in huabei there were 3 main times of sea level eustacy which caused different deposits in research area 華北晚古生代經歷了3次大的海平面升降旋回,不同海侵事件在研究區內留下了不同的沉積紀錄。