
european adj.歐洲的;全歐的;歐洲人的。n.1.歐洲人。2.擁...

european community

She made all european progress seem sluggish and tentative by comparison . 它使歐洲的一切進步相形之下顯得緩慢而暫時。

Awareness of the greek learning created great excitement among the europeans . 希臘學術的發現激起歐洲人很大的興趣。

The future security of europe had to be assured by european countries . 歐洲將來的安全就必須由歐洲國家自己來保證。

Salaries were below subsistence level for the europeans in the east . 薪金不足以維持留居東方的歐洲人的生活水平。

Townsfolk, too, were the first to feel new currents of european thought . 最先接觸到歐洲新思潮的,也是城里的人。

Food imports by the east european nonmarket economies also have grown . 東歐非市場經濟國家的糧食進口也增加了。

These countries loom big in the perspectives of european writers . 這些國家在歐洲作者們的心目中是龐大逼人的。

Culturally speaking, america might be called a european colony . 就文化而言,美國可以說是歐洲的一個殖民地。

But the european effort was beset by ambivalence at its core . 但是歐洲的這種努力從根本上說是充滿了矛盾。

Cubism had affinities with the new european interest in jazz . 主體派和歐洲新近的爵士音樂熱有密切關系。

The structure of a hardwood such as european oak is entirely different . 闊葉林構造和歐洲櫟則完全不同。

The world bank was created with european reconstruction in mind . 世界銀行是考慮到為歐洲復興而創建的。

Americans will no longer be able to shrug off european concepts . 美國人再也不能來蔑視歐洲人的觀點。

In washington the bureau of european affairs recommended abstention . 在華盛頓,歐洲事務司主張棄權。

The european is more fascinated by america's primitive aspects . 歐洲人更喜歡美國生活中原始的一面。

We reached lands that have never been visited by europeans . 我們到達了歐洲人從來沒有游覽過的境界。

Vague european uneasiness was congealing into panic . 歐洲各國先是隱約不安,后來逐漸驚慌失措起來。

But the european effort was beset by ambivalence at its core . 但是歐洲的努力從根本上說充滿矛盾。

The arabs may be friendly disposed towards europeans . 阿拉伯人對歐洲人不一定會有什么不好的印象。