
euroland 歐元區。


It is true that the relatively greater dependence on banks in financial intermediation in the main euroland countries has served those countries remarkably well for many years . it provided continuity of funding and support for long - term strategies , and therefore insulated them from the scourge of “ short - termism “ 一直以來,歐元區主要國家較倚賴銀行作為金融中介機構,固然取得相當顯著的成果這種安排使商業機構持續取得資金支持,有利實現長遠策略,避免受到短期資金的制肘。

The vision of euroland which may consequently predominate in the sub - conscious of asian readers might include such things as french truckdrivers blockading autoroutes ; german resistance to foreign takeovers ; relatively high taxes and a heavy burden of social security contributions ; and statutory ceilings on the number of hours employees may work 因此,亞洲讀者潛意識里對歐元區的主要印象,可能會是法國貨車司機阻塞高速公路德國公司拒絕外國企業收購稅率偏高及沉重的社會保障負擔,以及有關雇員工作時數的法定規定等。

Continued , genuine concern about the very large balance of payments deficit of the us has , more recently , been shadowed by the generally pessimistic outlook for the economy of major countries in euroland , to the extent that a fairly significant correction has been seen in the exchange rate of the euro 必然想到的問題。美國國際收支逆差相當嚴重,持續令人感到憂慮,但這被市場近期對歐元區主要國家的悲觀經濟前景憂慮蓋過,致令歐元匯價出現頗大幅度的調整。

Although the euroland type of pre - conditions for currency union are far from being satisfied in asia at present , with so much diversity and fragmentation in the geography , culture , stages of development and policies , this is an option that asia can ill afford to ignore in the long run 雖然歐元區推行貨幣聯盟的先決條件,對亞洲來說仍是遙不可及,我們在地理文化,以至經濟發展階段及政策等方面都極為懸殊,但長遠上貨幣聯盟的形式仍是值得研究的。

Consequently , there is concern whether intra - euroland adjustment between disparate regions , when the exchange rate is no longer an instrument and fiscal policy is supposedly constrained by treaty criteria , will prove to be too painful for some . there are 因此,當匯率再不能用作經濟調整的工具,而財政政策又大概受到條約準則的限制時,人們難免會關注到底歐元區內差別很大的地區若進行調整,對部分地區來說會否太過痛苦?

These sort of images may explain why people talk of a reluctance of foreigners to invest in euroland , despite the very clear signs that the overall prospects for non - inflationary economic growth are now quite encouraging . you may argue that these images are mistaken and flawed 盡管目前歐元區的宏觀經濟前景頗為樂觀,能維持低通脹高增長的條件極明顯,但像上述這類印象,可能正好解釋了為何外國人不愿投資歐元區。

On the other hand , the euro has become rather more attractive lately despite the unimpressive economic performance of euroland : there is sustained market interest and momentum favouring the euro , encouraged by higher interest rates for the currency 同時,日本亦可能會通過行動或言論來抵御美元的弱勢。另一方面,盡管歐元區的經濟表現并不突出,但歐元最近卻相當受歡迎,加上歐元利率較高,因此繼續受到市場垂青。

A related achievement has been the spread of usage of the euro for invoicing and financing trade , not only within euroland but also by firms in other countries trading or competing with euroland or involved in supply chains leading there 影響所及,歐元在貿易往來及融資的應用日益普遍,這不單見于歐元區,即使來自其他國家與歐元區進行貿易或競爭或供應物資的公司,亦樂于使用歐元。

Even less evident to us in asia is the impact which the euro may be having on competition and internal pricing within euroland , now that the single currency has stripped away exchange costs and other impediments to price comparison 另一點更難在亞洲覺察到的,就是歐元對歐元區內部競爭及定價的影響。單一貨幣的誕生,節省了外匯成本,亦刪除了其他妨礙價格比較的障礙。

Such efficiency , with globalised markets , coupled with a buoyant economy , is seen to be attracting substantial capital to the us markets , and i understand that one major source from where such capital comes is euroland 這種效率加上全球市場一體化,以及經濟蓬勃向前等,都被看作是吸引大量資金流向美國市場的原因。據我所知,歐元區更是這些資金的主要來源。

Given that euroland as a whole is a relatively closed economy , the decline of the euro may have caused more concern to outsiders than to insiders . it has certainly influenced international investor perceptions 基于歐元區是一個較密封的經濟體系,歐元偏弱在歐元區外引起的憂慮可能比在本區的多,國際投資者對歐元的印象亦肯定受到影響。

The experience of euroland operating with the euro is therefore something that should be watched in asia , and is being watched in the hkma , with keen , supportive interest 基于這個原因,亞洲應該審慎注視歐元區推行歐元的實際情況至于在金管局,我們對此亦深感興趣,并且身體力行,不斷密切留意有關進展,以及給予適當支持。

And if problems materialise , structural rigidities that inhibit adjustment may exacerbate and prolong the pain and disruption . i sense also that there are still doubts about whether euroland will cope well with the 同時,假如真的出現問題,結構上的僵化會妨礙調整,以致加劇和延長所引起的痛苦和擾亂。

Euroland is , of course , much bigger and more sophisticated than the emerging markets in asia , and so the risk of euroland being similarly overwhelmed by international finance is distinctly lower 當然,歐元區遠比亞洲的新興市場大和先進,因此歐元區會同樣受國際金融的洪流影響的風險也明顯較低。

But , rightly or wrongly , the impression from afar is that euroland is some way from possessing these necessary elements of structural flexibility 然而,無論對或錯,我們在遠方所得的印象是,歐元區在結構上似乎尚未充分具備這些必要的元素。

Which appear to observers from my side of the world to be more serious in euroland than in many other economies , big and small 對于在我身處的地方的觀察員看來,似乎歐元區存在的結構性僵化問題,較諸其他大或小型經濟體系均嚴重得多。

From hong kong we cannot witness as closely as you can here in euroland the extent to which the euro has already become part of economic life 我們在香港無法像在歐元區那樣,可以親眼看到歐元如何已經成為日常經濟運作的一部分。

If these arguments are transposed to euroland , they imply that the ecb must continue to develop its own identity and assert its own policies 將此論據引申至歐元區身上,歐洲央行必須繼續建立自我形象,堅守原定的政策。

As i mentioned earlier , there are a number of aspects of the management of the euroland economy about which perceptions from asia may be somewhat sceptical 正如我較早前說過,亞洲對歐元區某些經管范疇是持有戒心的。