
euphemistic adj.婉言的;委婉的。adv.-cally


Media criticism has been made as a dialogic platform for social actors because of the narrating nature and morality of media criticism . in this platform , every media critic can criticize everything about media , whether his comment is euphemistic or uncompromising , whether his suggestions can be accomplish 媒介批評所具有的敘事性和道德性使媒介批評成為社會角色的對話空間,在這個空間里,文明型的媒介批評家和顛覆型的媒介批評都可以暢言對媒介的期望,無論是不是得到實現。

On the contrary , it is employed consciously or unconsciously in daily communication to be more vivid , appropriate , and euphemistic , than the precise language in some special linguistic and cultural communications 語言模糊性不但不會影響交際,而且在日常的言語交際中,模糊語言表達會比精確語言更得體、生動、委婉,更意味深長,從而使得自然語言更具有表現力。

Yes , there are still some killing scenes in the movie , but it is depicted in a very euphemistic manner , you wouldn t see any blood shedding or head blowing scenes as you see in 不過從編導的手法來看,有一點十分明顯。和北野武以往電影的竭斯底里相比,他在此片的態度顯得比較溫和含蓄。

This paper aims to discuss the different types of the patterns of word - formation and focus on the playful , elliptical vivid and euphemistic characteristics of english slang 本文闡述英語俚語的幾種主要構詞規律及其生動、幽默和委婉的修辭特點。

Therefore , it has many rhetoric functions : being humorous , sarcastic and euphemistic , mediating conflict and enlightening imagination 英語歧義具有幽默風趣、辛辣諷刺、委婉含蓄、調和沖突、啟發想像等多種修辭功能。

Sima qian exactly expressed the function of ci - fu was to offer advice to the sovereign in a euphemistic and indirect language 在辭賦的功用問題上,司馬遷明確地表達了自己重于諷諫的觀點。

Modest words , taboo words and circuitous words were the usual expression way of euphemistic rhetoric 委婉修辭常用的表現方式有謙敬語、避諱語、迂回語等。

I think it ' s quite clear , and there ' s no need to be more euphemistic 我覺得這里語氣比較生硬,能不能有一種不直譯的,委婉的說法呢?

English euphemistic negative expressions 英語委婉否定表達

Analysis of pragmatic failures in english euphemistic expressions 英語委婉表達中語用失誤原因分析

Pragmatic analysis of euphemistic expressions 委婉表達的語用分析

Cultural implication of euphemistic rhetoric in ancient chinese 古漢語委婉修辭的文化意蘊