
etiquette n.1.禮儀,禮節;儀式,典禮。2.格式;成規。短語和例...


On marriage and its etiquette in zhou dynasty from the book of songs 所反映的周代婚姻及其成婚禮俗

When you overlocked a rule of etiquette , you are being rude 當你忽略禮節規范時,你是粗魯無禮的。

When you overlooked a rule of etiquette , you ' re being rude 當你忽略禮節規矩時,你是粗魯無禮的。

Appreciation of golf etiquette and conduct 欣賞高爾夫禮儀和行為

The crown - costume and etiquette of zhou oynasty 周代冕服與周禮

Folk songs and life etiquette of the buyi minority in qiannan prefecture 黔南布依山歌與人生禮儀

The etiquette and the creative moral education 與創造性的道德教育

Etiquette was considered very important in victorian england 英國在維多利亞時代非常注重禮儀

Yet its poor space etiquette could be turned to advantage 然而盡管禮節不周到,卻很顯示實力。

Don ' t you have any etiquette ? return what you rent on time 租了的東西要按期還這是基本的公德

But now a whole etiquette has formed 不過現在已發展出一整套規矩。

The etiquette section has been rewritten and expanded 球員禮儀部分的內容亦重新編寫或擴大。

According to etiquette , you should stand up to meet a guest 按照禮節你應該站起來接待客人。

Center thewest has the entirely different etiquette culture 中西方有著截然不同的禮儀文化。

A study of the etiquette culture by tu nationality 土族禮儀文化探析

Playing skills , rules and etiquette 高爾夫打球技巧高爾夫規則和禮節

A set of etiquette amp; amp; image for graduates ' job - interview 大學生求職的禮儀與形象的設計

Not quite what we studied in etiquette class . [ cannons booming ] 完全不像我們在禮儀課上學的

Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual 禮儀對于社會猶如衣著之于個人。