
etceteras n.〔pl.〕 其他種種東西,等等東西。 these e...


Although formosa is financially well off , supreme master ching hai still instructed fellow initiates to seek out those in need - the homeless and poor families left out of the social welfare system - to help them directly or indirectly through charity organizations . she sell her own works of art such as paintings , lamps , self - designed jewelry , clothes , etcetera to create a charity fund . contributions have always been done silently 雖然福爾摩沙一向經濟良好,比較不需太多救濟,清海無上師仍指示弟子們,盡量找出最被社會所遺漏的貧戶流浪漢及急難人士,她義賣自己設計創作之藝術品如珠寶衣飾和畫作燈飾等,籌措賑濟基金。

I looked for the lamp which she told me came into his mind but merely as a passing fancy of his because he then recollected the morning littered bed etcetera and the book about ruby with met him pike hoses in it which must have fell down sufficiently appropriately beside the domestic chamberpot with apologies to lindley murray “我在找那盞燈,她告訴我說” ,這句歌詞232浮現到他的腦際。但這個念頭只是一閃而過,因為此刻他又回想起早晨那張凌亂的床鋪等等,以及寫著“遇見了他尖頭膠皮管” 233原話的那本關于魯碧的書234 。

For people who have the bad habits of smoking cigarettes , drinking alcohol , looking and lusting at beautiful girls , committing adultery , or eating meat , etcetera , at first there are only a few cells in their bodies having this habit . but if they don t try to recite the holy names to correct their bad thoughts right away , then gradually it will spread to many cells , then the whole body 那些有抽菸喝酒用有色的眼睛看漂亮女孩子邪淫吃肉等等不良嗜好的人,剛開始時,那些人的身上只有一些細胞有這種壞習慣,但是如果他們不立刻念五句改正他們壞的思想,漸漸地,這種壞習慣便會散布到全身的所有細胞。

The tailor was obviously not qualified for heaven as he was missing some of the heavenly qualities like truthfulness towards others and oneself , forgiveness , patience , etcetera . so even though st . peter felt compassion for him and let him in , he could not stay long , as he could not behave . so he had to go and perhaps learn outside how to be better 那位裁縫很明顯地不配留在天堂里,因為他缺乏天堂里那種對自己對別人坦然寬恕及耐心,因此即使圣彼得慈悲地讓他進入天堂,他的行為舉止也不能使他久留,因此他必須離開,或許在外面他會學得比較進步。

Fellow practitioners in attendance informed them about supreme master ching hai s true teachings , the quan yin method of inner light and sound , as well as her charitable works to serve the less fortunate people all over the world etcetera . they all very much agreed with master s teachings and her charitable services 經同修向他們介紹師父的教理內在之光和音的法門及師父幫助全世界不幸人們的善行后,來賓皆贊同師父的教理和博愛之舉,之后他們高興地攜回樣書和雜志與親友分享。

However , haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco , etcetera , as the latin poet remarks , especially as luck would have it he got paid his screw after every middle of the month on the sixteenth which was the date of the month as a matter of fact though a good bit of the wherewithal was demolished 27況且剛巧趕上月中的十六日,他領了薪水,不過這筆款項實際上已花掉不少。最令人啼笑皆非的是,科利一門心思認定斯蒂芬生活富裕,成天無所事事,到處施舍。其實呢。

On the other hand he might be only bluffing , a pardonable weakness , because meeting unmistakable mugs , dublin residents , like those jarvies waiting news from abroad , would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the schooner hesperus and etcetera 如果是這樣,倒還情有可原,因為任何一個老水手要是曾經跨越大洋航行過,一旦遇上地地道道的傻瓜,即都柏林居民,就像那些等著聽外國奇聞的馬車夫,都會情不自禁地吹起牛來,說什么“赫斯佩勒斯”號125三桅縱帆船啦,等等。

In the first half of life , our task is to develop an ego , a conscious sense of who we are that ' s strong enough to leave our parents and go out into the world and say , “ hire me , i can do that job “ ; “ have a relationship with me , you can trust me “ ; etcetera 在生命的第一半段,我們的任務是發展一個自我,一個對我是誰的有意識的感覺,這個感覺足夠的強烈驅使我們離開父母并且走入世界說“雇傭我,我可以做那份工作” ; “和我形成關系吧,你可以相信我”等。

In the first half of life , our task is to develop an ego , a conscious sense of who we are that ' s strong enough to leave our parents and go out into the world and say , “ hire me , i can do that job “ ; “ have a relationship with me , you can trust me “ ; etcetera 在生命的第一半段,我們的任務是發展一個自我,一個對我是誰的有意識的感覺,這個感覺強壯到足以讓我們離開父母走入世界,說: “雇傭我吧,我可以做那份工作” ; “和我確定關系吧,你可以相信我”等。

Verything started when we first received master s instructions to organize a charity sale of her personal belongings : clothing , shoes , ornaments , etcetera . all the income from the sale was to be used to help the orphans and the poor in formosa 于接到師父的指示,要我們整理出她個人的衣服鞋子飾品用具等等,拿出來義賣給各地同修,所得全數悉捐出來幫助福爾摩沙孤兒和貧困的人。

In hansen s words , “ all this creates a lot of work for us in terms of testing with different tools , making alternative implementations , etcetera , but it s worth the trouble . 用hansen的話說就是: “所有這些為我們帶來了許多工作:使用不同工具進行測試,產生可替代的實現方案等等,但是這些辛苦是值得的。 ”

Inspired by the event , the warswa and katowice center participated , creating a wonder display of suma ching hai s publication , works of art , photos , etceteras . . 活動了望臺現場和平的氣氛,及從小中心攤位散發出來的愛力與智慧,深深敲動了每一位來賓的心弦。

In any case that was very ancient history by now and as for our friend , the pseudo skin - the - etcetera , he had transparently outlived his welcome 不管怎樣,而今這已成了古老的故事,至于我們這位冒牌的“什么皮” ,顯然活得太長,早已不再為世人所垂青了。

The ceilings were so beautiful ; they were made of gold and precious jewels : rubies , pearls , emeralds , etcetera 尤其天花板非常的精美,是由各種珍貴珠寶制成,有紅寶石珍珠翡翠黃金等等。

Ivan : absolutely . we have lots of skills that alter firing rate , spread , homing capabilities , etcetera 當然有。我們有很多關于射速,散射和自動瞄準的技能。