
esses n.連寫的ss〔ess的復數〕。


Five tallwhitehatted sandwichmen between monypeny s corner and the slab where wolfe tone s statue was not , eeled themselves turning h . e . l . y . s and plodded back as they had come . then she stared at the large poster of marie kendall , charming soubrette , and , listlessly lolling , scribbled on the jotter sixteens and capital esses 五個頭戴白色高帽的廣告人來到莫尼彭尼商店的街角和還不曾豎立沃爾夫托恩85雕像的石板之間,他們那helys的蜿蜒隊形就掉轉過來,拖著沉重的腳步沿著原路走回去。

He said so to esses , “ i didn ' t think you would hold me for political ransom . so nakedly , anyway . 他照直對俄塞克司說: “想不到你居然對我搞政治綁票,至少是想不到你會干得這樣赤裸裸。 ”