
essential adj.1.本質的;實質上的,實在的。2.根本的,必需的...

essential anemia

His support was essential to steer military appropriations through the congress . 他的支持實質上是要使國會通過軍事撥款。

We must dispose of too many essential features of the investigated phenomenon . 我們不得不排除所研究現象的許多基本特征。

The tunipah development is essential to the growth and prosperity of california . 圖尼帕工程對加州的發展和繁榮至關重要。

We may in fact, see for the first time what those essentials are . 事實是,我們可能是第一次看出來那些本質的東西是什么。

Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage . 為了獲得刈割牧草良好的產量,使用氮肥是極為重要的。

It was essential that the europeans break away from slavish adherence to authority . 歐洲人必須擺脫對權威的俯首聽命。

It is essential for the candidate to be dressed properly and to look alive . 一個候選人必須衣著得體,看上去精神抖擻。

In considering a problem , one must n't mistake the nonessentials for the essentials . 看問題時,不要把支流當作主流。

Both induction and deduction are essential characteristics of rational thinking . 歸納與推論都是理性思維的重要特征。

It is however essential that i play out the string and not be provocative . 但是我必須放緩和一些,而不能搞挑釁。

There is still great interest in boron as an essential plant nutrient . 迄今硼作為植物的必要營養元素仍極其重要。

In our pioneering days this aggressiveness was essential to survival . 在開拓時期,這種進攻性是生存的必要條件。

It is essential that my judgment should be balanced and my brain clear . 我的判斷必須全面,我的頭腦必須清醒。

It might be so essential to a scheme on which they had set their hearts . 這件事對他們熱衷的計劃是那么重要。

Agriculture is one of the oldest and most essential of human pursuits . 農業是人類最古老、最基本的產業之一。

Electron spin is essential in understanding many atomic phenomena . 電子自旋對于理解許多原子現象是很重要的。

Strict adherence to nipple hygiene is essential during breast feeding . 在哺乳期要嚴格保持乳頭的清潔衛生。

Job satisfaction is essential if we are to work efficiently . 要使工作卓有成效,必須保證工作時得心應手。

Careful reconnaissance is essential before observations begin . 觀測開始之前的一項主要工作是認真選點。