
essence n.1.【哲學】本質 (opp. phenomenon)...


This is not in essence a book about religion 從實質上看這不算是譯本宗教學的書

Machinery , industry and the strength of hominine essence 莊子小宇宙哲學精髓解讀

An overview on the legal essence of parallel importation 平行進口的法律性質分析

At the national level, the socio-economic conditions would be characterized by a degradation of the very essence of human dignity . 就一個國家來說,其社會--經濟狀況的惡化表現為人類尊嚴本質的墮落。

The essence of the speeches he gave was not essentially different from those of the other two presidents who have visited china . 他的講話其基本精神與另外兩位曾經訪華的總統的講話并沒有本質的區別。

It is merit which they believe they put in power as substitutes for the rascals who are the very essence of monarchies . 他們相信把權力交給了有道德的人,而不是交給作為君主制基礎的流氓惡棍。

In the same way, the essence of a manhis personalitycan only be known as it unfolds itself in his biography . 同樣,一個人的本質(他的個性),也只有當他的經歷展示了他自己時才能被理解。

I'm inclined to think that laziness is what your old dr botherem, up in vermont, used to call the essence of moral evil . 你們佛蒙特那位鮑士倫老博士說得不錯,我也有點相信,懶性是萬惡之本。

There was only spring itself; the throb of it, the light restlessness, the vital essence of it everywhere . 有的只是春天本身。春的悸動,輕快的動蕩不安,到處都能感覺到它那生機勃勃的本質。

She was no longer the milkmaid, but an essence of woman-a whole sex condensed into one typical form . 她不再是一個擠牛奶的女工了,而是個女性精華--從全體婦女里凝煉出來的一個典型儀容。

She has somehow lost her own margin, imbibed the essence of her surrounding, and assimilated herself with it . 她仿佛失去了自身的輪廓,吸收了四周景物的要素,和它融化而形成一體。

The essence of the problem is the development of a relationship between t and u over the range of y of interest . 問題的要害在于要推導出在整個感興趣的Y范圍內的T與U之間的關系。

The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated . 珍珠的價值和人的靈魂,這兩種東西混在一起,便泛起了一種奇怪的黑色沉渣。

What he had just heard, nim realized, was in essence what he had told ardythe last wednesday night . 尼姆意識到他剛才聽到的話正是他上星期三夜里對阿黛絲說的內容。

It was undertaken under the stress of desperation, and in its essence was purely protective . 那只不過是在絕望的迫使下作出的一種反應,就本質而言,純屬自衛性質。

And she added that such, when one considered it, was simply the essence of the aristocratic situation . 她又說到,仔細想來,這只是作為一個貴族所應有的素質。

Policymakers cannot hide behind their analysts if they miss the essence of an issue . 決策人要是抓不住問題的要害,他們是不能把分析人員推在前面做擋箭牌的。

He spoke briefly but grasped the essence of the problem , and brought out the crucial point ... 話雖然簡短,但是抓住了問題的本質,起到了畫龍點睛的作用。

Of all animals man alone stands erect, in accordance with his god-like nature and essence . 一切動物中,唯有人能夠直立,這符合他與神相似的性質和本質。