
espial n.偵察;監視;發覺。


The intention of this part is to find the insufficiency in management of our commercial bank , espial of state - owned banks , by comparison . it is completed through the calculation of index according to the order of liquidity , security and profitability 其次,以“三性”原則為序,運用財務指標,指數模型分析我國國有獨資商業銀行與股份制商業銀行的經營狀況,通過比較找出相應的差距和根源。

Teaching aids : to know the essence of fractions ; to know denominator , numerator , the units of fraction , to know the essence of the whole ; train their espial ability and abstract epitome ability 教學目標:使學生正確理解分數的意義,理解分母、分子、分數單位、單位“ 1 ”的意義;培養學生觀察能力和抽象概括能力。

When the waggon had passed on, gabriel withdrew from his point of espial . 當馬車繼續前進的時候,加布里埃爾也離開了他窺探的地點。