
esoterica n.〔pl.〕 秘(密)事;秘書;秘教;秘傳。


And as if all that were not enough , sir nicholas stern ' s big report on climate change , published by the british government in october , has forced greenhouse gasbags to master another bit of esoterica : the greek alphabet 如果所有這些都還不夠的話,英國政府10月份發布的,由尼克拉斯?斯特恩爵士撰寫的,關于氣候變化的鴻篇論著,迫使那些對溫室效應“喋喋不休”的人,又掌握了一點秘學:希臘字母。

While i may examine the nooks and crannies of sax in tips much further down the line , i m trying to ground you in sax and give you the most commonly - used tools , rather than bore you with esoterica 雖然我可能會在技巧中繼續分析sax的一些細節,但是我會盡可能為您打下sax的基礎,并為您介紹最常用的工具,而不是用一些秘籍來令您生厭。