
escort vt.護衛,護送,伴隨。n.1.警衛,護送。2.護衛隊,...


Jz leaves stage , wu yi escorted up and speaks (吉姆離開演講臺,吳儀上臺發言。 )

I ' ll send someone to escort you . - thank you very much 我會派人指引你的-非常感謝

You wiii be escorted home by a procession of iarge trucks 會有一列貨車護送你回家

You will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks 會有一列貨車護送你回家

Pepys clears throat shall i escort you home , mrs hughes 我送你回家吧,休斯女士?

The prisoners were taken to another jail under escort 囚犯們被護送到另一個監獄。

But none more stunning than my escort for the evening 但是我今晚的女伴更美麗

Hub , this is survey two . escort is breaking off . 總部,這里是二隊護送離開了

Mr . hughes escorts the lovely starlet jean harlow 休斯先生陪伴著可愛的新星珍哈露

He offered to be her escort , but she declined it 他提出護送她,但她謝絕了。

The queen ' s yacht had an escort of ten destroyers 有十艘驅逐艦為女王的游艇護航

Sir , i ' m here to escort you to the fortress hall 主教大人,我來護送您去城堡大廳

Our air marshai is going to escort you back to your seat 我們的乘警會送您回座位

The gold bullion was transported under police escort 金錠在警方的護送下運走了

Oh , i ' ve been hired to escort this one out to his uncle ' s 我把他送去他叔叔那里

Jenny , could you escort our visitor to the door 珍妮,麻煩你送我們客人到門口。

That night i was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to jesus . 那天晚上,我被帶到第一排座位,同其他沒有見過耶穌的小罪人一起坐在懺悔席上。

He saluted the commander of the escorting partisans and in low, clipped chinese reported that everything was in order for the crossing . 他向護送隊長敬了個禮,然后低聲用簡潔的漢語報告橫越工作都布置好了。

Then he delivered to the escort, drunk and sober, a receipt for the escorted and requested him to dismount . 然后,他交給護送者--雖然喝醉了酒但是還清醒--一個被護送者的收條,而且叫他下馬。