
escalator n.1.【建筑】自動樓梯。2.(規定工資定期按生活費用)...


Lift and escalator safety campaign 升降機及電動扶梯安全運動

Guide for inspection of elevators , escalators , and moving walks 升降機自動電梯和自動過道的檢驗指南

Access from lower level only use escalator or lift opposite gate 16 16號閘口對面的電動扶梯或升降機

Central to mid - levels escalator system 中環至半山自動扶梯系統

Maintenance for lifts and escalators - rules for maintenance instructions 電梯維護.維護指令規則

Lifts and escalators safety ordinance 升降機及自動梯安全條例

Elevators escalators companhia elevadores china schindler macau lda 怡和迅達升降機澳門有限公司

By “ central - mid - levels escalators 由中環至半山扶手電梯起行

Menswear is the other side ofthe escalator 男士服裝在電梯另一邊

Elevators and escalators , safety code for 電梯和自動扶梯安全規則

It also has 74 moving walkways , 98 lifts and 70 escalators 心想事成等吉祥語都是耳熟能詳的。

Safety code for elevators and escalators 電梯和自動扶梯的安全規范

Many department stores have both elevators and escalators 許多百貨公司既有電梯又有自動扶梯。

When taking the escalator , which side should you stand on 坐手扶電梯時,應站在靠哪邊的位置?

Elevator and escalator electrical equipment 電梯和自動扶梯電氣設備

This department store has both elevators and escalators 這家百貨公司既有電梯又有自動扶梯。

You clear your ears prior to stepping on a down escalator 你在乘坐下降的扶梯前做耳壓平衡。

Escalator railings , lift lobbies and elevator buttons 扶手電梯的扶手、升降機大堂和按鍵;

What if the escalator shafts had been of a different design 儒果扶梯通風井的設計不同呢?