
errancy n.錯誤狀態;犯錯誤的傾向;違背常規的事。


It refers to a typical recognition errancy , the “ assurance attitude “ to invest benefit and “ dislike attitude “ to invest loss . in the invest behavior , it is embodied as the willingness to sell out stocks with profit and unwillingness to sell out stocks with loss , etc . the reason for the irrational behavior of investor is the impact of psychological factors , which is difficult to explain in conventional financial theory 處置效應是行為金融學的一個重要組成部分,指一種比較典型的投資者認知偏差,表現為投資者對投資贏利的“確定性心理”和對虧損的“損失厭惡心理” ,在行為上主要表現為急于賣出贏利的股票,輕易不愿賣出虧損股票的現象等。