
eremite n.隱士。


Basing on this sense , the original confucian school in the pre - qin times interpreted the eremite motive as a moral self - consciousness and protest , embodying a consistent tension between the confucian dao ( way or confucian doctrine ) and politics as well as between their lofty moral integrity and independent non - cooperative attitude to politics 先秦原始儒家在此基礎上,對《周易》中隱逸行為的動機進行了道德化的闡釋,將其歸結于一種真誠的道德自覺和抗議精神,體現了儒家在道統與政統之間所始終堅持的一貫張力,以及不愿同流合污的崇高道德氣節和獨立不屈的政治不合作態度。

Are you an eremite ( leading a rural / town life ) or society enthusiast ( writing about realities happening here and there ) 丹飛:你是遁世者(居住在小鎮)還是熱心家(寫作題材頗具現實意義) ?