
equivocation n.推諉;躲閃;說話支吾;含糊其詞;曖昧。 fallac...


He was too proud to toady , too keen not to strictly observe the plane he occupied when there were those present who did not appreciate him , but , in situations like the present , where he could shine as a gentleman and be received without equivocation as a friend and equal among men of known ability , he was most delighted 如果在場的人中有不賞識他的,他很清高,不會去拍這些人的馬屁,但他又很熱心,依舊嚴格地履行著自己的職責。但是在像眼前這樣的情況下,他就特別高興。因為在這里他能像個紳士一樣光彩照人,人們毫不含糊地把他視作名流的朋友同等看待。

Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we have a porter s theory of equivocation . the sea venture comes home from bermudas and the play renan admired is written with patsy caliban , our american cousin . the sugared sonnets follow sidney s 368海洋冒險號從百慕大駛回國時, 369勒南所稱贊過的以我們的美國堂弟帕凱列班370為主人公的那出戲寫成了。

When he might well have acted with boldness , he found himself filled with doubts , scruples and equivocations , in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower 改譯:等到他不妨放膽去追求的時候,他卻遲疑不定,顧慮重重。至于一般墮入情網的人那種種常有的提心吊膽的心理,那就更是難免的了。

Palpatine appears to be a hard - working politician - - and when you say the word politician , immediately you think about equivocation , which is the nature of the job 帕爾帕汀以一個工作勤勉的政客形象出場? ?而當你說“政客”這個詞時,你馬上會想到摸棱兩可的話,這就是這個工作的本質。

When he might well have acted with boldness , he found himself filled with doubts , scruples and equivocations , in addition to the ordinary fears of a lover 等到他不妨放膽去追求的時候,他卻遲疑不定,疑慮重重。至于一般墮入情網的人那種種常有的提心吊膽的心理,那就更是難免的了。

A look at the report ' s careful equivocations shows why it can be used as ammunition by both sides 看看這份報告謹慎的含糊其辭就能明白它何以能被雙方都用作攻擊武器。

“ i am sorry for having taken your material , “ pablo said . “ it was an equivocation . “我拿走了你的器材,非常抱歉。 ”巴布羅說, “那是一時糊涂。 ”

Then she with a pretty equivocation went on : “ julia is about my height … 然后她用巧妙的雙關話說: “朱利婭差不多跟我一般高… ”

You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind 若是你支吾其詞,那不僅是欺騙他,也是欺騙你自己。

But congressional equivocation also reflects congressional ambivalence 但是國會的模棱兩可也反映了國會的矛盾心理。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie 模棱兩可是謊話的近親。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie 含糊其詞是謊話的近親。

Equivocations and the collective idea of japanese people 由模糊表達解讀日本人的集團觀念

With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy . 用這種方法就有可能采用常規信息論的其它重要成分,如模棱兩可信息和多余信息。

With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy . 用這種方法就有可能采用常規信息論的其他重要成分,如模棱兩可信息和多余信息。

Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: “julia is about my height… “ 然后她用巧妙的雙關話說:“朱利婭差不多跟我一般高…”